Technical Library: automatic x-ray inspection (Page 1 of 4)


Technical Library | 2023-01-17 17:19:44.0

A test program was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of vacuum reflow processing on solder joint voiding and subsequent thermal cycling performance. Area array package test vehicles were assembled using conventional reflow processing and a solder paste that generated substantial void content in the solder joints. Half of the population of test vehicles then were re-processed (reflowed) using vacuum reflow. Transmission x-ray inspection showed a significant reduction in solder voiding after vacuum processing. The solder attachment reliability of the conventional and vacuum reflowed test vehicles was characterized and compared using two different accelerated thermal cycling profiles. The thermal cycling results are discussed in terms of the general impact of voiding on solder thermal fatigue reliability, results from the open literature, and the evolving industry standards for solder voiding. Recommendations are made for further work based on other void reduction methods and additional reliability studies.

Heller Industries Inc.

SMT Offline X-Ray Machine - Enhancing Component Reliability

Technical Library | 2023-09-15 11:16:39.0

Elevate your electronics manufacturing with the SMT Offline X-Ray Machine. Achieve comprehensive component inspection and reliability assurance through advanced X-ray technology.

I.C.T ( Dongguan ICT Technology Co., Ltd. )

SMT Offline X-Ray - Component Inspection Precision

Technical Library | 2023-09-15 11:15:49.0

Experience unmatched component inspection precision with our SMT Offline X-Ray solution. Detect defects, ensure quality, and boost production efficiency with advanced X-ray technology.

I.C.T ( Dongguan ICT Technology Co., Ltd. )

SMT Offline X-Ray System - Ensuring Component Integrity

Technical Library | 2023-09-15 11:17:10.0

Ensure the integrity of your components with our SMT Offline X-Ray System. Detect hidden defects and improve the quality of your PCBAs with precise X-ray inspection technology.

I.C.T ( Dongguan ICT Technology Co., Ltd. )

Medical Device Manufacturing: Designing for X-ray Inspection

Technical Library | 2023-11-20 18:18:34.0

When x-ray inspection is used as part of a quality assurance program for any assembled device, steps must be taken early in the design stage to anticipate the use of x-ray inspection later in the development and production processes. This is a lesson that electronic assembly manufacturers learned years ago, and that medical device manufacturers are also discovering. There are several steps involved in learning how to interpret x-ray images, and how to design for x-ray inspection. First, manufacturers need to understand the nature of the x-ray shadow and its modalities; then they need to see how medical device developers and manufacturers are using x-ray inspection; finally, they need to consider taking measures early in the design process to ensure a clear, accurate image when the assembled device undergoes x-ray inspection.

Glenbrook Technologies

Enhanced X-Ray Inspection of Solder Joints in SMT Electronics Production using Convolutional Neural Networks

Technical Library | 2023-11-20 18:10:20.0

The electronics production is prone to a multitude of possible failures along the production process. Therefore, the manufacturing process of surface-mounted electronics devices (SMD) includes visual quality inspection processes for defect detection. The detection of certain error patterns like solder voids and head in pillow defects require radioscopic inspection. These high-end inspection machines, like the X-ray inspection, rely on static checking routines, programmed manually by the expert user of the machine, to verify the quality. The utilization of the implicit knowledge of domain expert(s), based on soldering guidelines, allows the evaluation of the quality. The distinctive dependence on the individual qualification significantly influences false call rates of the inbuilt computer vision routines. In this contribution, we present a novel framework for the automatic solder joint classification based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), flexibly reclassifying insufficient X-ray inspection results. We utilize existing deep learning network architectures for a region of interest detection on 2D grayscale images. The comparison with product-related meta-data ensures the presence of relevant areas and results in a subsequent classification based on a CNN. Subsequent data augmentation ensures sufficient input features. The results indicate a significant reduction of the false call rate compared to commercial X-ray machines, combined with reduced product-related optimization iterations.

Siemens Process Industries and Drives

Comparing Digital and Analogue X-ray Inspection for BGA, Flip Chip and CSP Analysis

Technical Library | 2023-11-20 18:49:11.0

Non-destructive testing during the manufacture of printed wiring boards (PWBs) has become ever more important for checking product quality without compromising productivity. Using x-ray inspection, not only provides a non-destructive test but also allows investigation within optically hidden areas, such as the quality of post solder reflow of area array devices (e.g. BGAs, CSPs and flip chips). As the size of components continues to diminish, today's x-ray inspection systems must provide increased magnification, as well as better quality x-ray images to provide the necessary analytical information. This has led to a number of x-ray manufacturers offering digital x-ray inspection systems, either as standard or as an option, to satisfy these needs. This paper will review the capabilities that these digital x-ray systems offer compared to their analogue counterparts. There is also a discussion of the various types of digital x-ray systems that are available and how the use of different digital detectors influences the operational capabilities that such systems provide.

Nordson DAGE

The X-Factor - How X-ray Technology is Improving the Electronics Assembly Industry

Technical Library | 2023-11-20 17:30:11.0

Summary for today 1. Electronic component inspection and failure analysis. 2. Component counting and material management. 3. Reverse engineering. 4. Counterfeit detection. 5. Real-time defect verification. 6. Computed tomography (CT) techniques and how to differentiate between 2D, 2.5D, and 3D x-ray inspection. 7. Design for manufacturing (DFM) and design for x-ray inspection (DFXI). 8. Voids, bridging, and head-in-pillow failures in bottom terminated components (BTC). 9. Artificial Intelligence and x-ray inspection

Creative Electron Inc


Technical Library | 2023-11-20 17:59:32.0

Quality control at Mentzer Electronics in Burlingame, California, includes tracing electronics assembly issues using a Metris XT V real-time X-ray inspection system. This electronics X-ray inspection system allows quality engineers to intuitively navigate through the internal structure of assembled PCBs. In the rapidly evolving electronics industry, Mentzer Electronics uses the acquired insight to speed up and fi ne tune manufacturing processes. Real-time X-ray guarantees that no hidden defects remain in products when turning them out to customers nationwide.

Mentzer Electronics

Void Detection in Large Solder Joints of Integrated Power Electronics

Technical Library | 2012-12-06 17:36:37.0

Inspection of integrated power electronics equals sophisticated test task. X-ray inspection based on 2D / 2.5D principles not utilizable. Full 3D inspection with adapted image capturing and reconstruction is necessary for test task.... First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings.

GOEPEL Electronic

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