Technical Library: bending leads after soldering (Page 1 of 2)

Maximizing Efficiency: The High-Speed SMT Line With Laser Depanelizer

Technical Library | 2024-02-02 07:48:31.0

Maximizing Efficiency: The High-Speed SMT Line With Laser Depanelizer In today's rapidly evolving electronics manufacturing landscape, optimizing efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and precision remains paramount. Businesses engaged in producing industrial control boards, computer motherboards, mobile phone motherboards, and mining machine boards face ongoing challenges in streamlining production processes. The integration of expensive equipment strains budgets, making the creation of an efficient, cost-effective high-speed SMT line a daunting task. However, a solution exists that seamlessly combines these elements into a singular, high-performance, and cost-effective SMT line. Let's delve into the specifics. A Comprehensive High-Speed SMT Line Our innovative solution amalgamates two pivotal components: a cutting-edge SMT (Surface Mount Technology) production line and a laser cutting line equipped with a depanelizer. The SMT Production Line The high-speed SMT line comprises several essential components, each fulfilling a unique role in the manufacturing process: 1. PCB Loader: This initial stage involves loading boards onto the production line with utmost care. Our Board Loader prioritizes safety, incorporating various safety light curtains and sensors to promptly halt operations and issue alerts in case of any anomalies. 2. Laser Marking Machine: Every PCB receives a unique two-dimensional code or barcode, facilitating comprehensive traceability. Despite the high-temperature laser process potentially leading to dust accumulation on PCB surfaces, our dedicated PCB Surface Cleaner swiftly addresses this issue. 3. SMT Solder Paste Printer: This stage involves applying solder paste to the boards, a fundamental step in the manufacturing process. 4. SPI (Solder Paste Inspection): Meticulous inspections are conducted at this stage. Boards passing inspection proceed through the NG (No Good) Buffer Conveyor to the module mounters. Conversely, "No Good" results prompt storage of PCBs in the NG Buffer Conveyor, capable of accommodating up to 25 PCBs. Operators can retrieve these NG boards for rework after utilizing our specialized PCB Mis Cleaner to remove solder paste. 5. Module Mounters: These machines excel in attaching small and delicate components, necessitating precision and expertise in the module mounting process. 6. Standard Pick And Place Machines: The selection of these machines is contingent upon your specific BOM (Bill of Materials) list. 7. Pre-Reflow AOI (Automated Optical Inspection): Boards undergo examination for component quality at this stage. Detected issues prompt the Sorting Conveyor to segregate boards for rework. 8. Reflow Oven: Boards undergo reflow soldering, with our Lyra series reflow ovens recommended for their outstanding features, including nitrogen capability, flux recycling, and water cooling function, ensuring impeccable soldering results. 9. Post-Reflow AOI: This stage focuses on examining soldering quality. Detected defects prompt the Sorting Conveyor to segregate boards for further inspection or rework. Any identified defects are efficiently addressed with the BGA rework station, maintaining the highest quality standards. 10. Laser Depanelizer: Boards advance to the laser depanelizer, where precision laser cutting, often employing green light for optimal results, ensures smoke-free, highly accurate separation of boards. 11. PCB Placement Machine: Cut boards are subsequently managed by the PCB Placement Machine, arranging them as required. With this, all high-speed SMT line processes are concluded. Efficiency And Output This production line demonstrates exceptional productivity when manufacturing motherboards with approximately 3000 electronic components, boasting the potential to assemble up to 180 boards within a single hour. Such efficiency not only enhances output but also ensures cost-effectiveness and precision in your manufacturing processes. At I.C.T, we specialize in crafting customized SMT production line solutions tailored to your product and specific requirements. Our equipment complies with European safety standards and holds CE certificates. For inquiries or to explore our exemplary post-sales support, do not hesitate to contact us. The I.C.T team is here to elevate your electronics manufacturing to new heights of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

I.C.T ( Dongguan ICT Technology Co., Ltd. )

Reliability of BGA Solder Joints after Re-Balling Process

Technical Library | 2012-10-04 18:52:43.0

First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings... Due to the obsolescence of SnPb BGA components, electronics manufacturers that use SnPb solder paste either have to use lead-free BGAs and adjust the reflow process or re-ball t


Pad Cratering Susceptibility Testing with Acoustic Emission

Technical Library | 2015-08-13 15:52:40.0

Pad cratering has become more prevalent with the switch to lead free solders and lead free compatible laminates. This mainly is due to the use of higher reflow temperature, stiffer Pb-free solder alloys, and the more brittle Pb-free compatible laminates. However, pad cratering is difficult to detect by monitoring electric resistance since pad cratering initiates before an electrical failure occurs. Several methods have been developed to evaluate laminate materials' resistance to pad cratering. Pad-solder level tests include ball shear, ball pull and pin pull. The detailed methods for ball shear, ball pull, and pin pull testing are documented in an industry standard IPC-9708. Bansal, et al. proposed to use acoustic emission (AE) sensors to detect pad cratering during four-point bend test. Currently there is an industry-working group working on test guidelines for acoustic emission measurement during mechanical testing.

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Solder Crack Counter Measures

Technical Library | 2023-11-27 18:19:40.0

This page introduces major causes and countermeasures of solder crack in MLCCs (Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitors). Major causes of solder cracks Solder cracks on MLCCs developed from severe usage conditions after going on the market and during manufacturing processes such as soldering. Applications and boards that specially require solder crack countermeasures Solder cracks occur mainly because of thermal fatigue due to thermal shock or temperature cycles or the use of lead-free solder, which is hard and fragile.

TDK - Lambda Americas

PCB vias design recommendation

Technical Library | 2019-05-29 01:47:22.0

1.Vias near SMD pads: Solder can flow into the via after melted. As a result cold joint will appear in the end. Check the picture below. 2.Vias on SMD pads: Solder can flow into the via more easier after melted. Check the picture below. 3.Via opening without soldermask covered. When workers solder TH parts by hand, soldering iron can touch vias sometime, then tiny amounts molten solder will stay on vias. This can lead to electrical short easily. We recommend you make all vias tenting (covered by solder mask) if it is possible.

PCBNPI-Professional PCB Fab/PCB Assembly Service Provider From China

Reliability Study of Low Silver Alloy Solder Pastes

Technical Library | 2016-09-01 16:21:11.0

Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu (SAC305) is currently the most popular near eutectic lead-free alloy used in the manufacturing processes. Over the last several years, the price of silver has dramatically increased driving a desire for lower silver alloy alternatives. As a result, there is a significant increase in the number of alternative low/no silver lead-free solder alloys available in the industry recently. Our previous study showed that many alternative low silver solder paste materials had good printing and wetting performance as compared to SAC305 solder pastes. However, there is lack of information on the reliability of alternative alloy solder joints assembled using alternative low silver alloy solder pastes.In this paper, we will present the reliability study of lead-free solder joints reflowed using various lead-free alloy solder pastes after thermal cycling test (3000 cycles, 0°C to 100°C). Six different lead-free pastes were investigated. SAC305 solder joints were used as the control. Low and no silver solder pastes and a low temperature SnBiAg solder pastes were also included.

Flex (Flextronics International)

High Reliability Lead-free Solder SN100C?Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni?Ge?

Technical Library | 2008-03-31 21:35:36.0

While the situation varies from country to country, nearly one year after the EU RoHS Directive came into force implementation of lead-free solder is progressing steadily. For lead-free soldering to be considered successful it is not sufficient just to have dealt with the challenges of mass production. It is also necessary to establish that the soldered joints produced are at least as reliable as those made with Sn-37Pb alloy. In this context "reliability" means the length of time in service that the initial functionality of the joint can be maintained. In this paper we will discuss some of the issues involved in solder joint reliability through a comparison of the properties of two alloys that are widely used for lead-free wave soldering, SAC305 (Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu) and the Sn, Cu, Ni, Ge alloy SN100C.

Nihon Superior Co., Ltd.

A Low Temperature Solder Joint Encapsulant for Sn/Bi Applications

Technical Library | 2016-01-12 11:05:28.0

The electronic industry is currently very interested in low temperature soldering processes such as using Sn/Bi alloy to improve process yield, eliminate the head-in-pillow effect, and enhance rework yield. However, Sn/Bi alloy is not strong enough to replace lead-free (SAC) and eutectic Sn/Pb alloys in most applications. In order to improve the strength of Sn/Bi solder joints, enhance mechanical performance, and improve reliability properties such as thermal cycling performance of soldered electronic devices, YINCAE has developed a low temperature solder joint encapsulant for Sn/Bi soldering applications. This low temperature solder joint encapsulant can be dipped, dispensed, or printed. After reflow with Sn/Bi solder paste or alloy, solder joint encapsulant encapsulates the solder joint. As a result, the strength of solder joints is enhanced by several times, and thermal cycling performance is significantly improved. All details will be discussed in this paper.

YINCAE Advanced Materials, LLC.

How to Manage Material Outgassing in Reflow Oven

Technical Library | 2020-11-24 23:12:27.0

In a lead-free reflow process, temperatures are higher, and materials use outgasses more than in a leaded reflow process. The trends toward higher density populated boards and more pin-in-paste technology also increase solder paste use. More components and more solder paste result in more outgassing of chemistry during the reflow process. Some assemblies report condensation of vapors when the cold printed circuit board enters the oven. Little is known about the interaction between these condensed materials in terms of the interaction between these condensed materials and the reliability of the assembly. Apart from the question of reliability, a printed circuit board contaminated with a small film of residues after reflow soldering is not desirable.

Vitronics Soltec

High Reliability and High Temperature Application Solution - Solder Joint Encapsulant Paste

Technical Library | 2017-10-16 15:03:32.0

The miniaturization and advancement of electronic devices have been the driving force of design, research and development, and manufacturing in the electronic industry. However, there are some issues occurred associated with the miniaturization, for examples, warpage and reliability issues. In order to resolve these issues, a lot of research and development have been conducted in the industry and university with the target of moderate melting temperature solder alloys such as m.p. 280°C. These moderate temperature alloys have not resolve these issues yet due to the various limitations. YINCAE has been working on research and development of the materials with lower temperature soldering for higher temperature application. To meet this demand, YINCAE has developed solder joint encapsulant paste to enhance solder joint strength resulting in improving drop and thermal cycling performance to eliminate underfilling, edge bonding or corner bonding process in the board level assembly process. This solder joint encapsulant paste can be used in typical lead-free profile and after reflow the application temperature can be up to over 300C, therefore it also eliminates red glue for double side reflow process. In this paper, we will discuss the reliability such as strength of solder joints, drop test performance and thermal cycling performance using this solder joint encapsulant paste in detail.

YINCAE Advanced Materials, LLC.

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