Technical Library | 2020-03-08 11:35:53.0
A sample for Larry Bush's Maintenance Policies and Procedures - 2nd Edition (A 415-page book in PDF format. Those who purchase also receive 150 support files in editable format to customize and use as samples and templates.)
Technical Library | 2021-06-28 20:43:32.0
This book is a compilation of many articles I have published on the subjects of cleaning, reliability, and cleanliness testing. Throughout these articles, I promote a common mantra: Clean is better than dirty. Less contamination is better than more contamination. Some assemblies can tolerate more contamination; others, less.
Technical Library | 2019-02-25 05:24:53.0
"The idea of the value chain is based on the process view of organizations, the idea of seeing a manufacturing (or service) organization as a system, made up of subsystems each with inputs, transformation processes and outputs".[1] The definition of a value-added chain by Michael E. Porter is one of many to be found in reference books, works and on websites. In principle, it involves a sequence of activities, executed by a manufacturing company to develop, produce, sell, ship, and maintain products or services. Three main parameters essentially influence a value-added chain: Direct activities − research, development, production, shipment etc. Indirect activities − maintenance, operation, occupational safety, environment etc. Quality assurance − monitoring, test/inspection; quality management etc. In particular, indirect activities and quality assurance generate a greater part of the costs in product manufacturing. This article principally focusses on the indirect activities, among them air purification.
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