Technical Library: bubbles air (Page 1 of 1)

why need Under vaccum potting machine for motor stator iginition coil

Technical Library | 2021-12-31 06:55:24.0

Any air entrapment in the potting compound can result in air bubbles that may cause performance problems in the finished component. Potting under vacuum is therefore frequently required to prevent air entrapment, especially with the increasingly small and complex assemblies required in today's electronics

Guangzhou Daheng Automation Equipment Co.,LTD

why need Under vaccum potting machine for motor stator iginition coil

Technical Library | 2021-12-31 06:56:02.0

Any air entrapment in the potting compound can result in air bubbles that may cause performance problems in the finished component. Potting under vacuum is therefore frequently required to prevent air entrapment, especially with the increasingly small and complex assemblies required in today's electronics

Guangzhou Daheng Automation Equipment Co.,LTD

Fully Automatic Vacuum Chamber Glue Potting Solution

Technical Library | 2021-12-06 03:43:31.0

By potting under vacuum, components can be optimally protected from external influences. Before the potting process, air and moisture are removed from the components by vacuum. Components with geometries that are difficult to vent, coils, transformers or wound goods can be potting free of air bubbles. Potting under vacuum guarantees an even distribution of the potting material.

Guangzhou Daheng Automation Equipment Co.,LTD


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