Technical Library | 2022-01-05 23:10:11.0
Waste electrical and electronic equipment or e-waste generation has been skyrocketing over the last decades. This poses waste management and value recovery challenges, especially in developing countries. Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are mainly employed in value recovery operations. Despite the high energy costs of generating crushed and milled particles of the order of several microns, those are employed in conventional hydrometallurgical techniques. Coarse PCB pieces (of order a few centimetres) based value recovery operations are not reported at the industrial scale as the complexities of the internal structure of PCBs limit efficient metal and non-metal separation.
Technical Library | 2007-06-27 15:43:06.0
Traditionally most flip chips were designed with large bumps on a coarse pitch. However, as the trend towards smaller, more compact assemblies continues the sizes of semiconductor packages are forced to stay in line. New designs are incorporating smaller bump diameters on increasingly aggressive pitches, and in many cases decreasing the total IO count. With fewer and smaller bumps to distribute the load of the placement force it is becoming increasingly vital for equipment manufacturers to meet the challenge in offering low force placement solutions. One such solution will be presented in the following discussion. Also presented will be ways to minimize the initial impact spike that flip chips experience upon placement.
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