Technical Library: component esd (Page 1 of 1)

A System Level Electrostatic Discharge Protection Modeling Methodology for Time Domain Analysis.

Technical Library | 2014-04-03 18:01:13.0

A system level modeling methodology is presented and validated on a simple case. It allows precise simulations of electrostatic discharge (ESD) stress propagation on a printed circuit board (PCB). The proposed model includes the integrated circuit (IC) ESD protection network, IC package, PCB lines, passives components, and externals elements. The impact of an external component on the ESD propagation paths into an IC is demonstrated. Resulting current and voltage waveforms are analyzed to highlight the interactions between all the elements of an operating PCB. A precise measurement technique was designed and used to compare with the simulation results. The model proposed in this paper is able to predict, with good accuracy, the propagation of currents and voltages into the whole system during ESD stress. It might be used to understand why failures occur and how to fix them with the most suitable solution.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

The Quality and Reliability of Intel's Quarter Micron Process

Technical Library | 1999-05-07 08:48:52.0

This paper describes how the quality and reliability of Intel's products are designed, measured, modeled, and maintained. Four main reliability topics: ESD protection, electromigration, gate oxide wearout, and the modeling and management of mechanical stresses are discussed. Based on an analysis of the reliability implications of device scaling, we show how these four topics are of prime importance to component reliability...

Intel Corporation

Component Reliability After Long Term Storage

Technical Library | 2024-06-19 15:23:54.0

Each year the semiconductor industry routes a significant volume of devices to recycling sites for no reliability or quality rationale beyond the fact that those devices were stored on a warehouse shelf for two years. This study identifies the key risks attributed to extended storage of devices in uncontrolled indoor environments and the risk mitigation required to permit safe shelf-life extension. Component reliability was evaluated after extended storage to assure component solderability, MSL stability and die surface integrity. Packing materials were evaluated for customer use parameters as well as structural integrity and ESD properties. Results show that current packaging material (mold compound and leadframe) is sufficiently robust to protect the active integrated circuits for many decades and permit standard reflow solder assembly beyond 15 years. Standard packing materials (bags, desiccant, and humidity cards) are robust for a 32 month storage period that can be extended by repacking with fresh materials. Packing materials designed for long term storage are effective for more than five years.

Texas Instruments


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