Technical Library: contact 3z problems (Page 1 of 1)

Hidden Head-In-Pillow soldering failures

Technical Library | 2022-12-23 20:44:54.0

One of the upcoming reliability issues which is related to the lead-free solder introduction, are the headin-pillow solderability problems, mainly for BGA packages. These problems are due to excessive package warpage at reflow temperature. Both convex and concave warpage at reflow temperature can lead to the head-in-pillow problem where the solder paste and solder ball are in mechanical contact but not forming one uniform joint. With the thermo-Moiré profile measurements, this paper explains for two flex BGA packages the head-in-pillow. Both local and global height differences higher than 100 µm have been measured at solder reflow temperature. This can be sufficient to have no contact between the molten solder ball and solder paste. Finally, the impact of package drying is measured


Equipment Impacts of Lead Free Wave Soldering

Technical Library | 2003-04-18 12:05:57.0

The popular tin (Sn) rich lead free solders are causing severe corrosion to many of the materials used in today's Wave Solder systems. Users are experiencing higher maintenance frequency and reduced life of wave solder machine components. This paper describes the effects of Sn rich solders in contact with various materials and discusses alternate methods to alleviate this problem.

Cookson Electronics

Interconnect Reliability Correlation with System Design and Transportation Stress

Technical Library | 2020-10-18 19:35:05.0

Interconnect reliability especially in BGA solder joints and compliant pins are subjected to design parameters which are very critical to ensure product performance at pre-defined shipping condition and user environment. Plating thickness of compliant pin and damping mechanism of electronic system design are key successful factors for this purpose. In additional transportation and material handling process of a computer server system will be affected by shock under certain conditions. Many accessories devices in the server computer system tend to become loose resulting in poor contact or solder intermittent interconnect problems due to the shock load from the transportation and material handling processes.

MiTAC International Corporation

Robust Reliability Testing For Drop-on-Demand Jet Printing

Technical Library | 2020-03-19 00:23:15.0

In this study, the question was how to perform statistically reliable robust- ness tests for the non-contact drop-on-demand printing of functional fluids, such as solder paste and conductive adhesives. The goal of this study was to develop a general method for hypothesis testing when robustness tests are performed. The main problem was to determine if there was a statistical difference between two means or proportions of jet printing devices. In this study, an example of jetting quality variation was used when comparing two jet printing ejector types that differ slightly in design. We wanted to understand if the difference in ejector design can impact jetting quality by performing robustness tests. and thus answer the question, "Can jetting differences be seen between ejector design 1 and design 2"?

Mycronic AB

Notices in the use of temperature and humidity Test Chamber

Technical Library | 2019-05-06 23:04:05.0

The temperature and humidity test chamber simulate the temperature and humidity, so there are a lot of things customers shoud notice in the process of use, although there is detailed instruction when purchasing the equipment. But some users just know how the device works and start using it. This is very easy to cause problems in the use of the equipment, so Symor intends to describe the safety details during the use of temperature and humidity chamber. 1. Before the test, determine if the sample contains flammable and explosive substances to avoid combustion or explosion during the test. Of course, also make sure there is no flammable and explosive material around the test equipment, otherwise it may cause fire and other accidents. 2, Do not open the chamber door to operate during the experiment, or the gas in the studio may cause the operator to burn and so on. 3. At the end of the test or at the time of regular cleaning of the test chamber, power off the equipment to avoid electrocution accidents. Also, when cutting off the equipment power, pull the power cord to pull out the plug, otherwise it may lead to a rupture of the power cord and so on. You can contact manufacturers if there are some places you donnot understand, do not dismantle and repair the temperature and humidity test chamber without authorization, otherwise it may lead to more serious problems.

Symor Instrument Equipment Co.,Ltd

Solder Joint Reliability Under Realistic Service Conditions

Technical Library | 2014-10-30 01:48:43.0

The ultimate life of a microelectronics component is often limited by failure of a solder joint due to crack growth through the laminate under a contact pad (cratering), through the intermetallic bond to the pad, or through the solder itself. Whatever the failure mode proper assessments or even relative comparisons of life in service are not possible based on accelerated testing with fixed amplitudes, or random vibration testing, alone. Effects of thermal cycling enhanced precipitate coarsening on the deformation properties can be accounted for by microstructurally adaptive constitutive relations, but separate effects on the rate of recrystallization lead to a break-down in common damage accumulation laws such as Miner's rule. Isothermal cycling of individual solder joints revealed additional effects of amplitude variations on the deformation properties that cannot currently be accounted for directly. We propose a practical modification to Miner's rule for solder failure to circumvent this problem. Testing of individual solder pads, eliminating effects of the solder properties, still showed variations in cycling amplitude to systematically reduce subsequent acceleration factors for solder pad cratering. General trends, anticipated consequences and remaining research needs are discussed

Universal Instruments Corporation


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