Technical Library: conversions (Page 1 of 1)

Maximizing Efficiency: The High-Speed SMT Line With Laser Depanelizer

Technical Library | 2024-02-02 07:48:31.0

Maximizing Efficiency: The High-Speed SMT Line With Laser Depanelizer In today's rapidly evolving electronics manufacturing landscape, optimizing efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and precision remains paramount. Businesses engaged in producing industrial control boards, computer motherboards, mobile phone motherboards, and mining machine boards face ongoing challenges in streamlining production processes. The integration of expensive equipment strains budgets, making the creation of an efficient, cost-effective high-speed SMT line a daunting task. However, a solution exists that seamlessly combines these elements into a singular, high-performance, and cost-effective SMT line. Let's delve into the specifics. A Comprehensive High-Speed SMT Line Our innovative solution amalgamates two pivotal components: a cutting-edge SMT (Surface Mount Technology) production line and a laser cutting line equipped with a depanelizer. The SMT Production Line The high-speed SMT line comprises several essential components, each fulfilling a unique role in the manufacturing process: 1. PCB Loader: This initial stage involves loading boards onto the production line with utmost care. Our Board Loader prioritizes safety, incorporating various safety light curtains and sensors to promptly halt operations and issue alerts in case of any anomalies. 2. Laser Marking Machine: Every PCB receives a unique two-dimensional code or barcode, facilitating comprehensive traceability. Despite the high-temperature laser process potentially leading to dust accumulation on PCB surfaces, our dedicated PCB Surface Cleaner swiftly addresses this issue. 3. SMT Solder Paste Printer: This stage involves applying solder paste to the boards, a fundamental step in the manufacturing process. 4. SPI (Solder Paste Inspection): Meticulous inspections are conducted at this stage. Boards passing inspection proceed through the NG (No Good) Buffer Conveyor to the module mounters. Conversely, "No Good" results prompt storage of PCBs in the NG Buffer Conveyor, capable of accommodating up to 25 PCBs. Operators can retrieve these NG boards for rework after utilizing our specialized PCB Mis Cleaner to remove solder paste. 5. Module Mounters: These machines excel in attaching small and delicate components, necessitating precision and expertise in the module mounting process. 6. Standard Pick And Place Machines: The selection of these machines is contingent upon your specific BOM (Bill of Materials) list. 7. Pre-Reflow AOI (Automated Optical Inspection): Boards undergo examination for component quality at this stage. Detected issues prompt the Sorting Conveyor to segregate boards for rework. 8. Reflow Oven: Boards undergo reflow soldering, with our Lyra series reflow ovens recommended for their outstanding features, including nitrogen capability, flux recycling, and water cooling function, ensuring impeccable soldering results. 9. Post-Reflow AOI: This stage focuses on examining soldering quality. Detected defects prompt the Sorting Conveyor to segregate boards for further inspection or rework. Any identified defects are efficiently addressed with the BGA rework station, maintaining the highest quality standards. 10. Laser Depanelizer: Boards advance to the laser depanelizer, where precision laser cutting, often employing green light for optimal results, ensures smoke-free, highly accurate separation of boards. 11. PCB Placement Machine: Cut boards are subsequently managed by the PCB Placement Machine, arranging them as required. With this, all high-speed SMT line processes are concluded. Efficiency And Output This production line demonstrates exceptional productivity when manufacturing motherboards with approximately 3000 electronic components, boasting the potential to assemble up to 180 boards within a single hour. Such efficiency not only enhances output but also ensures cost-effectiveness and precision in your manufacturing processes. At I.C.T, we specialize in crafting customized SMT production line solutions tailored to your product and specific requirements. Our equipment complies with European safety standards and holds CE certificates. For inquiries or to explore our exemplary post-sales support, do not hesitate to contact us. The I.C.T team is here to elevate your electronics manufacturing to new heights of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

I.C.T ( Dongguan ICT Technology Co., Ltd. )

Characterization of No Clean Solderpaste Residues: The Relationship to In-Circuit Testing

Technical Library | 1999-05-07 11:24:21.0

Many manufacturers have now completed the conversion to no clean solder paste. Many factors governed this initial conversion, among those being cosmetics, solder ability, and process ability. In circuit testing or probing through no clean solder paste residues has topically not been a major factor in the conversion decision for several reasons. Due to board design, solder paste was only used on one side of the board and not subjected to testing...


The Relationship between Backward Compatible Assembly and Microstructure on the Thermal Fatigue Reliability of an Extremely Large Ball Grid Array

Technical Library | 2012-06-21 23:06:06.0

First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings. Most high reliability electronic equipment producers continue to manufacture and support tin-lead (SnPb) electronic products despite the increasing trend for design and conversion


Advantages of Bismuth-based Alloys for Low Temperature Pb-Free Soldering and Rework

Technical Library | 2012-12-20 14:36:09.0

The increased function of personal electronic devices, such as mobile phones and personal music devices, has driven the need for smaller and smaller active and passive components. This trend toward miniaturization, occurring at the same time as the conversion to RoHS-compliant lead-free assembly, has been a considerable challenge to the electronics assembly industry. The main reason for this is the higher reflow process temperatures required for Pb-free assembly. These higher temperatures can thermally damage the PCB and the components. In addition, the higher reflow temperatures can negatively affect the solder joint quality, especially when coupled with the smaller paste deposits required for these smaller components. If additional thermal processing is required, the risk increases even more. First Published at SMTA's International Conference on Soldering and Reliability in Toronto, May 2011

Indium Corporation

Embedded Inductors with Laser Machined Gap

Technical Library | 2019-10-30 23:46:39.0

This work presents the fabrication of embedded inductors and the experimental laser machining of gaps in the underlying ferrite structure. (...) Energy efficiency is a major driver in the evolution of electronics and electronics packaging. To manage power consumption, portable appliances (smartphones, tablets, e-readers etc.) often use multiple supply voltages and DC/DC converters. Most are based on switch mode power conversion (SMPC). In a power converter, inductors and transformers are used to temporarily store energy during switching cycles. They also have the function of filtering noise. The power magnetics are often the largest and most expensive devices in the circuit. Integrating the magnetics into either a power converter module or system board can significantly reduce size and cost of the power converter function.

Radial Electronics

Effects of Tin Whisker Formation on Nanocrystalline Copper

Technical Library | 2023-02-13 19:23:18.0

Spontaneously forming tin whiskers, which emerge unpredictably from pure tin surfaces, have regained prevalence as a topic within the electronics research community. This has resulted from the ROHS-driven conversion to "lead-free" solderable finish processes. Intrinsic stresses (and/or gradients) in plated films are considered to be a primary driving force behind the growth of tin whiskers. This paper compares the formation of tin whiskers on nanocrystalline and conventional polycrystalline copper deposits. Nanocrystalline copper under-metal deposits were investigated, in terms of their ability to mitigate whisker formation, because of their fine grain size and reduced film stress. Pure tin films were deposited using matte and bright electroplating, electroless plating, and electron beam evaporation. The samples were then subjected to thermal cycling conditions in order to expedite whisker growth. The resultant surface morphologies and whisker formations were evaluated.

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory

The Effect of Pb Mixing Levels on Solder Joint Reliability and Failure Mode of Backward Compatible, High Density Ball Grid Array Assemblies

Technical Library | 2015-01-08 17:26:59.0

Regardless of the accelerating trend for design and conversion to Pb-free manufacturing, many high reliability electronic equipment producers continue to manufacture and support tin-lead (SnPb) electronic products. Certain high reliability electronic products from the telecommunication, military, and medical sectors manufacture using SnPb solder assembly and remain in compliance with the RoHS Directive (restriction on certain hazardous substances) by invoking the European Union Pb-in-solder exemption. Sustaining SnPb manufacturing has become more challenging because the global component supply chain is converting rapidly to Pb-free offerings and has a decreasing motivation to continue producing SnPb product for the low-volume, high reliability end users. Availability of critical, larger SnPb BGA components is a growing concern


How Detrimental Production Concerns Related to Solder Mask Residues Can Be Countered by Simple Operational Adaptations

Technical Library | 2019-09-19 00:28:48.0

The symbiotic relationship between solder masks and selective finishes is not new. The soldermask application is one of the key considerations to ensure a successful application of a selective finish. The selective finish is the final chemical step of the PCB manufacturing process, this is when the panels are at their most valuable and are unfortunately not re-workable. Imperfections are not tolerated, even if they are wholly cosmetic. Quality issues often manifest themselves in the form of a 'ping pong' conversation between the fabricators, the soldermask suppliers and the selective finish suppliers. Without tangible evidence these discussions are difficult to resolve and the selective finish process is usually regarded as responsible. This paper will focus on the chemical characteristics and use them to predict or identify potential issues before they occur rather than specifically name 'critical' soldermasks. It is also the intention of this paper to address the potential of a soldermask to react to common yield hiking practices like UV bumping and oven curing. It is hoped that this awareness will help fabricators to ensure maximum yields by asking the right questions. 'Critical’ soldermasks impact all selective finishes. In this paper, practical experience using immersion tin will be used to highlight the relationship between 'critical' soldermasks and some of the issues seen in the field. The paper will include a novel approach to identify re-deposited volatiles after the reflow.


How to inspect the temperature recovering time of thermal shock chamber?

Technical Library | 2019-11-12 02:09:22.0

Thermal shock test chamber can be used for testing the chemical change or physical damage on composite materials caused by the thermal expansion and contraction of the sample in the shortest time,which is subjected to extremely and continuous high and low temperature how to check the temperature recovery time of this chamber? Normally we take following steps to inspect the temepratuire recovering time: 1.Install the temperature sensor at the specified position, and adjust the temperature controller of hot zone and cold zone to the required nominal temperature respectively. 2.The temperature increases and reduces respectively,30min after temperature in two zones reach stable status,record temperature value of the measuring point,pls set the temperature value of two zones to be required nominal temperature. 3.The temperature shock test chamber automatically places the inspected load into theh ot zone,select the corresponding retention time according to regulated standard. 4.Set the transfer time,then the inspection load is transferred from hot zone to cold zone, and the temperature of the measuring point is observed and recorded, and then the reverse conversion of the load from cold zone to hot zone is carried out according to the same method, and the temperature of the measuring point is observed and recorded.

Symor Instrument Equipment Co.,Ltd

Controlling Moisture during Inner layer Processing

Technical Library | 2024-09-02 18:48:58.0

The conversion to higher temperature "Lead Free" assembly reflow conditions has created an increased awareness that entrapped or absorbed moisture is a frequent root cause of thermally induced delamination at assembly reflow. There are two connected failure modes from entrapped moisture; incomplete resin cross-linking resulting in premature resin decomposition and also severe Z axis expansion from "explosive vaporization of the entrapped moisture at elevated temperatures at assembly reflow". Ultimately, both result in delamination failure. Other papers have shown the negative effects of entrapped moisture before lamination including delamination, red color, reduced thermal reliability and increased high speed signal loss. In this paper, various materials were tested for moisture sensitivity during lamination. Tests were performed at varying lamination conditions including a pre-vacuum step and "kiss" step. Pressure and cure temperature parameters were evaluated for minimizing or eliminating the effect of trapped moisture. Also included are the results of inner layer moisture removal baking conditions and their effect on peel strength and thermal reliability.

MacDermid, Inc.


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