Technical Library: cp6 station 13 (Page 1 of 1)

Understanding the Heat Output of your BGA Rework Station

Technical Library | 2018-04-27 13:23:31.0

When performing BGA component rework, it is important to know the actual heat that is coming out of the top and bottom heaters. This will be critical in setting up accurate heat profiles. Monitoring your heat output will also keep you aware of your heaters performance so that you will know when the heaters need to be replaced.

Precision PCB Services, Inc

Rework Stations: Meeting the Challenges of Lead-Free Solders

Technical Library | 2015-02-12 13:32:52.0

Market forces, particularly legislation against the use of lead in electronics, have driven electronics manufacturers towards lead-free solders for PCB assembly and rework. This approach creates challenges because of the relatively high temperatures needed for lead-free soldering. Additionally, lead-free solder alloys typically do not wet or wick as easily as Sn63Pb37 leaded types. As PCBs often include both BGAs and simpler discrete devices, a lead-free rework capability should include a suitable soldering station and a BGA rework station. This article shows how such equipment can be adapted to overcome the lead-free issues and provide a successful reworking facility.

Cupio Yestech Europe

Influence of Copper Conductor Surface Treatment for High Frequency PCB on Electrical Properties and Reliability

Technical Library | 2019-02-13 13:45:11.0

Development of information and telecommunications network is outstanding in recent years, and it is required for the related equipment such as communication base stations, servers and routers, to process huge amount of data in no time. As an electrical signal becomes faster and faster, how to prevent signal delay by transmission loss is a big issue for Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) loaded on such equipments. There are two main factors as the cause of transmission loss; dielectric loss and conductor loss. To decrease the dielectric loss, materials having low dielectric constant and low loss tangent have been developed. On the other hand, reducing the surface roughness of the copper foil itself to be used or minimizing the surface roughness by modifying surface treatment process of the conductor patterns before lamination is considered to be effective in order to decrease the conductor loss. However, there is a possibility that reduction in the surface roughness of the conductor patterns will lead to the decrease in adhesion of conductor patterns to dielectric resin and result in the deterioration of reliability of PCB itself. In this paper, we will show the evaluation results of adhesion performance and electrical properties using certain type of dielectric material for high frequency PCB, several types of copper foil and several surface treatment processes of the conductor patterns. Moreover, we will indicate a technique from the aspect of surface treatment process in order to ensure reliability and, at the same time, to prevent signal delay at the signal frequency over 20 GHz.

MEC Company Ltd.


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