Technical Library | 2023-09-13 13:03:25.0
SMT auto aqueous stencil cleaning machines are an essential tool for any SMT production line. These machines use a variety of methods to remove contaminants and debris from SMT stencils, which can cause defects and reliability issues.
Technical Library | 2021-08-11 00:57:57.0
This paper shows the Design and Finite Element analysis of vacuum chamber of potting machine designed for electronic ignition coil applications. There are two types of potting methods 1) With Vacuum 2) Without Vacuum.
Technical Library | 1999-05-07 09:54:35.0
In this paper, we give an overview of the ASCI Option Red Supercomputer. The motivation for building this supercomputer is presented and the hardware and software views of the machine are described in detail. We also briefly discuss what it is like..
Technical Library | 2007-11-08 18:49:44.0
ways to increase machine utilization and productivity for automatic termination machines. This article will discuss just a few of the basic concepts. For some, this may seem academic, but going over the basics is a good reminder so we don’t overlook best practices. So, how do we get more products out the door every day?
Technical Library | 1999-08-05 10:57:54.0
This study examines ergonomic stressors associated with front-end process tool maintenance, relates them to decreased machine utilization, and proposes solution strategies to reduce their negative impact on productivity.
Technical Library | 2021-12-31 06:09:47.0
The packaging method of surface mount components has become an important part of the SMT system. It directly affects the efficiency of assembly production and must be optimized in combination with the type and number of feeders of the SMT machine. There are four main types of packaging for surface mount components, Tape, tube, tray and bulk.
Technical Library | 2003-04-18 12:05:57.0
The popular tin (Sn) rich lead free solders are causing severe corrosion to many of the materials used in today's Wave Solder systems. Users are experiencing higher maintenance frequency and reduced life of wave solder machine components. This paper describes the effects of Sn rich solders in contact with various materials and discusses alternate methods to alleviate this problem.
Technical Library | 2014-05-15 14:26:27.0
350mA). Slotted surface showed good performance on both thermal and optical properties of the given 3W green LED.
Technical Library | 2017-05-25 17:07:39.0
Purpose of this research is to identify the factors that directly influence the effectiveness of the fluxing process in selective soldering machines, using the design of experiment methodology with associated factors and levels used in the experiment. Final findings gives directions for set up of the optimal fluxing parameters that will enable appropriate flux appliance and to gain reduction of soldering quality issues which foundations are from this process.
Technical Library | 2019-11-07 08:59:14.0
Inductors realized with high permeable MnZn ferrite require, unlike iron-powder cores with an inherent dis-tributed gap, a discrete air gap in the magnetic circuit to prevent saturation of the core material and/or tune the inductance value. This large discrete gap can be divided into several partial gaps in order to reduce the air gap stray field and consequently the proximity losses in the winding. The multi-gap core, realized by stacking several thin ferrite plates and inserting a non-magnetic spacer material between the plates, however, exhibits a substan-tial increase in core losses which cannot be explained from the intrinsic properties of the ferrite. In this paper, a comprehensive overview of the scientific literature regarding machining induced core losses in ferrite, dating back to the early 1970s, is provided which suggests that the observed excess core losses could be attributed to a deterioration of ferrite properties in the surface layer of the plates caused by mechanical stress exerted during machining.