Technical Library: dielectric properties (Page 1 of 1)

Round Robin of High Frequency Test Methods by IPC-D24C Task Group

Technical Library | 2017-06-29 16:39:30.0

Currently there is no industry standard test method for measuring dielectric properties of circuit board materials at frequencies greater than about 10 GHz. Various materials vendors and test labs take different approaches to determine these properties. It is common for these different approaches to yield varying values of key properties like permittivity and loss tangent. The D-24C Task Group of IPC has developed this round robin program to assess these various methods from the "bottom up" to determine if standardized methods can be agreed upon to provide the industry with more accurate and valid characteristics of dielectrics used in high-frequency and high-speed applications.


Laser-Based Methodology for the Application of Glass as a Dielectric and Cu Pattern Carrier for Printed Circuit Boards

Technical Library | 2018-11-07 20:48:01.0

Glass offers a number of advantages as a dielectric material, such as a low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), high dimensional stability, high thermal conductivity and suitable dielectric constant. These properties make glass an ideal candidate for, among other things, package substrate and high-frequency PCB applications. We report here a novel process for the production of printed circuit boards and integrated circuit packaging using glass as both a dielectric medium and a platform for wiring simultaneously.

Electro Scientific Industries

Making Sense of Laminate Dielectric Properties

Technical Library | 2020-12-16 18:50:42.0

System operating speeds continue to increase as a function of the consumer demand for such technologies as faster Internet connectivity, video on demand, and mobile communications technology. As a result, new high performance PCB substrates have emerged to address signal integrity issues at higher operating frequencies. These are commonly called low Dk and/or low loss (Df) materials. The published "typical" values found on a product data sheet provide limited information, usually a single construction and resin content, and are derived from a wide range of test methods and test sample configurations. A printed circuit board designer or front end application engineer must be aware that making a design decision based on the limited information found on a product data sheet can lead to errors which can delay a product launch or increase the assembled PCB cost. The purpose of this paper is to highlight critical selection factors that go beyond a typical product data sheet and explain how these factors must be considered when selecting materials for high speed applications

Isola Group

Influence of Copper Conductor Surface Treatment for High Frequency PCB on Electrical Properties and Reliability

Technical Library | 2019-02-13 13:45:11.0

Development of information and telecommunications network is outstanding in recent years, and it is required for the related equipment such as communication base stations, servers and routers, to process huge amount of data in no time. As an electrical signal becomes faster and faster, how to prevent signal delay by transmission loss is a big issue for Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) loaded on such equipments. There are two main factors as the cause of transmission loss; dielectric loss and conductor loss. To decrease the dielectric loss, materials having low dielectric constant and low loss tangent have been developed. On the other hand, reducing the surface roughness of the copper foil itself to be used or minimizing the surface roughness by modifying surface treatment process of the conductor patterns before lamination is considered to be effective in order to decrease the conductor loss. However, there is a possibility that reduction in the surface roughness of the conductor patterns will lead to the decrease in adhesion of conductor patterns to dielectric resin and result in the deterioration of reliability of PCB itself. In this paper, we will show the evaluation results of adhesion performance and electrical properties using certain type of dielectric material for high frequency PCB, several types of copper foil and several surface treatment processes of the conductor patterns. Moreover, we will indicate a technique from the aspect of surface treatment process in order to ensure reliability and, at the same time, to prevent signal delay at the signal frequency over 20 GHz.

MEC Company Ltd.

Understanding Circuit Material Performance Concerns for PCBs at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies

Technical Library | 2018-04-11 22:18:05.0

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency applications are becoming more common. There are applications utilizing PCB technology at 60 GHz, 77 GHz and many other mmWave frequencies. When designing a PCB for mmWave frequency, the properties of the circuit materials need to be considered since they can be critical to the success of the application. Understanding the properties of circuit materials at these frequencies is very important.This paper will give an overview of which circuit material properties are important to mmWave frequency applications using PCBs. There will be data supplied which demonstrates why these properties are essential to the circuit material selection for mmWave applications. Some properties discussed will be dielectric constant (Dk) control, dissipation factor, moisture absorption, thickness control and TCDk (Temperature Coefficient of Dk). Measured comparisons will be shown for insertion loss and Dk versus frequency for different types of circuit materials up to 110 GHz. As part of the test data, the impact on circuit performance due to TCDk and moisture absorption will be shown at mmWave frequencies.

Rogers Corporation

Development of Halogen Free, Low Loss Copper-Clad Laminates Containing a Novel Phosphonate Oligomer

Technical Library | 2017-08-24 16:53:20.0

With the rapid development of the information industry, increasing attention is being paid to the dielectric performance of base materials including copper-clad laminates (CCL) and prepregs. In addition to the increasingly high performance requirements of CCL's, the present global attention to less toxic products is leading to an increase in the use of halogen-free flame retardants in electronics. (...) This paper introduces a new phosphonate oligomer which can be used as a reactive flame retardant in epoxy based resin systems. Suitable conditions for the complete reaction between the phosphonate oligomer and epoxy resin are described and the resulting halogen-free laminates with improved properties such as low Df, low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), high peel strength, and good toughness are presented.

FRX Polymers Inc.


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