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Achieving SMT Compatible Flip Chip Assembly With No-Flow Fluxing Underfills

Technical Library | 2007-08-09 12:23:10.0

Recent developments in No Flow-Fluxing Underfill (NFFUF) products have demonstrated their utility to enhance the reliability of flip chip assemblies with reduced processing steps over conventional capillary flow methods. This basic work considered processing conditions such as dispensed volume and placement force, speed and dwell time. Further evaluations of these new products on a variety of flip chip assembly configurations manufactured by various processes have been undertaken to provide further evidence of their suitability and potential in high volume electronic manufacturing. This paper summarizes the recent evaluations and discusses new studies of additional assembly configurations, which include higher input/output (l/O) counts up to full arrays in excess of 1200 l/Os.

Universal Instruments Corporation


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