Technical Library: flux corrosion solder mask (Page 1 of 1)

Relative Humidity Dependence of Creep Corrosion on Organic-Acid Flux Soldered Printed Circuit Boards

Technical Library | 2018-05-09 22:15:29.0

Creep corrosion on printed circuit boards (PCBs) is the corrosion of copper metallization and the spreading of the copper corrosion products across the PCB surfaces to the extent that they may electrically short circuit neighboring features on the PCB. The iNEMI technical subcommittee on creep corrosion has developed a flowers-of-sulfur (FOS) based test that is sufficiently well developed for consideration as an industry standard qualification test for creep corrosion. This paper will address the important question of how relative humidity affects creep corrosion. A creep corrosion tendency that is inversely proportional to relative humidity may allow data center administrators to eliminate creep corrosion simply by controlling the relative humidity in the data center,thus, avoiding the high cost of gas-phase filtration of gaseous contamination. The creep corrosion relative humidity dependence will be studied using a modified version of the iNEMI FOS test chamber. The design modification allows the achievement of relative humidity as low as 15% in the presence of the chlorine-releasing bleach aqueous solution. The paper will report on the dependence of creep corrosion on humidity in the 15 to 80% relative humidity range by testing ENIG (gold on electroless nickel), ImAg (immersion silver) and OSP (organic surface preservative) finished PCBs, soldered with organic acid flux.

iNEMI (International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative)

DOE for Process Validation Involving Numerous Assembly Materials and Test Methods.

Technical Library | 2010-03-18 14:02:03.0

Selecting products that have been qualified by industry standards for use in printed circuit board assembly processes is an accepted best practice. That products which have been qualified, when used in combinations not specifically qualified, may have resultant properties detrimental to assembly function though, is often not adequately understood. Printed circuit boards, solder masks, soldering materials (flux, paste, cored wire, rework flux, paste flux, etc.), adhesives, and inks, when qualified per industry standards, are qualified using very specific test methods which may not adequately mimic the assembly process ultimately used.

Trace Laboratories

Understanding Creep Corrosion Field Fails

Technical Library | 2022-03-16 19:48:18.0

Dendrites, Electrochemical Migration (ECM) and parasitic leakage, are usually caused by process related contamination. For example, excess flux, poor handling, extraneous solder, fibers, to name a few. One does not normally relate these fails with environmental causes. However, creep corrosion is a mechanism by which electronic products fail in application, primarily related to sulfur pollution present in the air.1 The sulfur reacts with exposed silver, and to a lesser extent, exposed copper. This paper will explore various aspects of the creep corrosion chemical reaction

Foresite Inc.

Cleaning Flux Residue under Leadless Components using Objective Evidence to Determine Cleaning Performance

Technical Library | 2019-08-14 22:20:55.0

Cleanliness is a product of design, including component density, standoff height and the cleaning equipment’s ability to deliver the cleaning agent to the source of residue. The presence of manufacturing process soil, such as flux residue, incompletely activated flux, incompletely cured solder masks, debris from handling and processing fixtures, and incomplete removal of cleaning fluids can hinder the functional lifetime of the product. Contaminates trapped under a component are more problematic to failure. Advanced test methods are needed to obtain "objective evidence" for removing flux residues under leadless components.Cleaning process performance is a function of cleaning capacity and defined cleanliness. Cleaning performance can be influenced by the PCB design, cleaning material, cleaning machine, reflow conditions and a wide range of process parameters.This research project is designed to study visual flux residues trapped under the bottom termination of leadless components. This paper will research a non-destructive visual method that can be used to study the cleanability of solder pastes, cleaning material effectiveness for the soil, cleaning machine effectiveness and process parameters needed to render a clean part.

KYZEN Corporation

The Risk And Solution For No-Clean Flux Not Fully Dried Under Component Terminations the Risk And Solution For No-Clean Flux Not Fully Dried Under Component Terminations

Technical Library | 2020-11-24 23:01:04.0

The miniaturization trend is driving industry to adopting low standoff components or components in cavity. The cost reduction pressure is pushing telecommunication industry to combine assembly of components and electromagnetic shield in one single reflow process. As a result, the flux outgassing/drying is getting very difficult for devices due to poor venting channel. This resulted in insufficiently dried/burnt-off flux residue. For a properly formulated flux, the remaining flux activity posed no issue in a dried flux residue for no-clean process. However, when venting channel is blocked, not only solvents remain, but also activators could not be burnt off. The presence of solvents allows mobility of active ingredients and the associated corrosion, thus poses a major threat to the reliability. In this work, a new halogen-free no-clean SnAgCu solder paste, 33-76-1, has been developed. This solder paste exhibited SIR value above the IPC spec 100 MΩ without any dendrite formation, even with a wet flux residue on the comb pattern. The wet flux residue was caused by covering the comb pattern with 10 mm × 10 mm glass slide during reflow and SIR testing in order to mimic the poorly vented low standoff components. The paste 33-76-1 also showed very good SMT assembly performance, including voiding of QFN and HIP resistance. The wetting ability of paste 33-76-1 was very good under nitrogen. For air reflow, 33-76-1 still matched paste C which is widely accepted by industry for air reflow process. The above good performance on both non-corrosivity with wet flux residue and robust SMT process can only be accomplished through a breakthrough in flux technology.

Indium Corporation

Partially-Activated Flux Residue Impacts on Electronic Assembly Reliabilities

Technical Library | 2016-12-29 15:37:51.0

The reliabilities of the flux residue of electronic assemblies and semiconductor packages are attracting more and more attention with the adoption of no-clean fluxes by majority of the industry. In recent years, the concern of "partially activated" flux residue and their influence on reliability have been significantly raised due to the miniaturization along with high density design trend, selective soldering process adoption, and the expanded use of pallets in wave soldering process. When flux residue becomes trapped under low stand-off devices, pallets or unsoldered areas (e.g. selective process), it may contain unevaporated solvent, "live" activators and metal complex intermediates with different chemical composition and concentration levels depending on the thermal profiles. These partially-activated residues can directly impact the corrosion, surface insulation and electrochemical migration of the final assembly. In this study, a few application tests were developed internally to understand this issue. Two traditional liquid flux and two newly developed fluxes were selected to build up the basic models. The preliminary results also provide a scientific approach to design highly reliable products with the goal to minimize the reliability risk for the complex PCB designs and assembly processes. This paper was originally published by SMTA in the Proceedings of SMTA International


Whisker Formation Induced by Component and Assembly Ionic Contamination

Technical Library | 2023-02-13 18:56:42.0

This paper describes the results of an intensive whisker formation study on Pb-free assemblies with different levels of cleanliness. Thirteen types of as-received surface-mount and pin-through-hole components were cleaned and intentionally contaminated with solutions containing chloride, sulfate, bromide, and nitrate. Then the parts were assembled on double-sided boards that were also cleaned or intentionally contaminated with three fluxes having different halide contents. The assemblies were subjected to high-temperature/high-humidity testing (85_C/85% RH). Periodic examination found that contamination triggered whisker formation on both exposed tin and solder fillets. Whisker occurrence and parameters depending on the type and level of contamination are discussed. Cross-sections were used to assess the metallurgical aspects of whisker formation and the microstructural changes occurring during corrosion.

Celestica Corporation

Duo-Solvent Cleaning Process Development for Removing Flux Residue from Class 3 Hardware

Technical Library | 2016-07-28 17:00:20.0

Packaging trends enable disruptive technologies. The miniaturization of components reduces the distance between conductive paths. Cleanliness of electronic hardware based on the service exposure of electrical equipment and controls can improve the reliability and cost effectiveness of the entire system. Problems resulting from leakage currents and electrochemical migration lead to unintended power disruption and intermittent performance problems due to corrosion issues.Solvent cleaning has a long history of use for cleaning electronic hardware. Limitations with solvent based cleaning agents due to environmental effects and the ability to clean new flux designs commonly used to join miniaturized components has limited the use of solvent cleaning processes for cleaning electronic hardware. To address these limitations, new solvent cleaning agents and processes have been designed to clean highly dense electronic hardware.The research study will evaluate the cleaning and electrical performance using the IPC B-52 Test Vehicle. Lead Free noclean solder paste will be used to join the components to the test vehicle. Ion Chromatography and SIR values will be reported.

KYZEN Corporation


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