Technical Library: inductors (Page 1 of 1)

Challenges of Lead-Free Low Silver Content End Termination Pastes for Inductor Applications

Technical Library | 2010-08-19 18:33:17.0

The silver end termination plays an important role for multilayer chip inductors. A basic requirement is to achieve excellent electrical properties with superior adhesion to the chip. Driven by the increasing price of silver, interest has been shown to


Principles of Analog In-Circuit Testing

Technical Library | 2012-12-26 14:18:24.0

Passive components including resistors, capacitors, inductors, and circuit-protection devices compose the highest percentage of all devices that are populated on today’s PCB assemblies. However, the successful isolation and testing of these components during ICT is perhaps the most challenging and the least understood of all modern-day validation practices.


Embedded Inductors with Laser Machined Gap

Technical Library | 2019-10-30 23:46:39.0

This work presents the fabrication of embedded inductors and the experimental laser machining of gaps in the underlying ferrite structure. (...) Energy efficiency is a major driver in the evolution of electronics and electronics packaging. To manage power consumption, portable appliances (smartphones, tablets, e-readers etc.) often use multiple supply voltages and DC/DC converters. Most are based on switch mode power conversion (SMPC). In a power converter, inductors and transformers are used to temporarily store energy during switching cycles. They also have the function of filtering noise. The power magnetics are often the largest and most expensive devices in the circuit. Integrating the magnetics into either a power converter module or system board can significantly reduce size and cost of the power converter function.

Radial Electronics

Origin and Quantification of Increased Core Loss in MnZn Ferrite Plates of a Multi-Gap Inductor

Technical Library | 2019-11-07 08:59:14.0

Inductors realized with high permeable MnZn ferrite require, unlike iron-powder cores with an inherent dis-tributed gap, a discrete air gap in the magnetic circuit to prevent saturation of the core material and/or tune the inductance value. This large discrete gap can be divided into several partial gaps in order to reduce the air gap stray field and consequently the proximity losses in the winding. The multi-gap core, realized by stacking several thin ferrite plates and inserting a non-magnetic spacer material between the plates, however, exhibits a substan-tial increase in core losses which cannot be explained from the intrinsic properties of the ferrite. In this paper, a comprehensive overview of the scientific literature regarding machining induced core losses in ferrite, dating back to the early 1970s, is provided which suggests that the observed excess core losses could be attributed to a deterioration of ferrite properties in the surface layer of the plates caused by mechanical stress exerted during machining.

Power Electronic Systems Laboratory (PES)

Additive Manufacturing for Next Generation Microwave Electronics and Antennas

Technical Library | 2020-08-13 00:59:03.0

The paper will discuss the integration of 3D printing and inkjet printing fabrication technologies for microwave and millimeter-wave applications. With the recent advancements in 3D and inkjet printing technology, achieving resolution down to 50 um, it is feasible to fabricate electronic components and antennas operating in the millimeter-wave regime. The nature of additive manufacturing allows designers to create custom components and devices for specialized applications and provides an excellent and inexpensive way of prototyping electronic designs. The combination of multiple printable materials enables the vertical integration of conductive, dielectric, and semi-conductive materials which are the fundamental components of passive and active circuit elements such as inductors, capacitors, diodes, and transistors. Also, the on-demand manner of printing can eliminate the use of subtractive fabrication processes, which are necessary for conventional microfabrication processes such as photolithography, and drastically reduce the cost and material waste of fabrication.

Georgia Institute of Technology


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