Technical Library | 2022-09-12 14:07:47.0
Unique component handling issues can arise when an assembly factory uses highly-moisture sensitive surface mount devices (SMDs). This work describes how the distribution of moisture within the molded plastic body of a SMD is an important variable for survivability. JEDEC/IPC [1] moisture level rated packages classified as Levels 4-5a are shown to require additional handling constraints beyond the typical out-of-bag exposure time tracking. Nitrogen or desiccated cabinet containment is shown as a safe and effective means for long-term storage provided the effects of prior out-of-bag exposure conditions are taken into account. Moisture diffusion analyses coupled with experimental verification studies show that time in storage is as important a variable as floor-life exposure for highly-moisture sensitive devices. Improvements in floor-life survivability can be obtained by a handling procedure that includes cyclic storage in low humidity containment. SMDs that have exceeded their floor-life limits are analyzed for proper baking schedules. Optimized baking schedules can be adopted depending on a knowledge of the exposure conditions and the moisture sensitivity level of the device.
Technical Library | 2021-11-26 14:34:07.0
The use of desiccant bags filled with Silica Sand and or Clay beads used in conjunction with a Moisture Barrier Bag to control moisture for storage of printed circuit boards has long been an accepted practice and standard from both JEDEC and IPC organizations. Additionally, the use heated ovens for baking off moisture using the evaporation process has also been a long#2;standing practice from these organizations. This paper on alternative drying methods will be accompanied by completed independent, unbiased tests conducted by Vinny Nguyen, an engineering student (now graduated) from San Jose State University. The accompanied paper will examine the performance levels of different technologies of desiccant bags to control moisture in enclosed spaces. The tests and equipment set were reviewed by an engineer and consultant to the Lockheed Martin Aerospace Division and the IPC - TM-650 2.6.28 test method was review by engineer from pSemi. The tests were designed to mimic performance tests outlined in Mil Spec 3464, which both IPC and JEDEC have adopted for their respective standards. The test examined variables including absorption capacity rates, weight gain and release of moisture back into the enclosed area. The presentation will also address and highlight: • Similarities of PCBs and Heavy Equipment as it applies to Inspections, Causes of Failure, Types of Corrosion and Moisture Collection Points. • Performance Attributes of Different Desiccant Technologies as it applies to shape, texture, change outs, labeling and regeneration. • Venn Diagram of Electromechanical Failure with the circles 1. Current 2. Contamination 3. Humidity Presentation Available
Technical Library | 2024-01-08 18:44:00.0
Printed circuit boards, especially multilayer, flexible and rigid-flexible printed circuit boards, are extremely hygroscopic, i.e. they absorb and bind the moisture in the air. A dried polyimide film, for example, will have reached its moisture saturation level again after just a few hours.
Technical Library | 2012-01-05 18:40:07.0
Conformal coating is applied to circuit cards to provide a dielectric layer on an electronic board. This layer functions as a membrane between the board and the environment. With this coating in place, the circuit card can withstand more moisture by incre
Technical Library | 2018-09-21 10:12:53.0
Moisture accumulates during storage and industry practice recommends specific levels of baking to avoid delamination. This paper will discuss the use of capacitance measurements to follow the absorption and desorption behaviour of moisture. The PCB design used in this work, focused on the issue of baking out moisture trapped between copper planes. The PCB was designed with different densities of plated through holes and drilled holes in external copper planes, with capacitance sensors located on the inner layers. For trapped volumes between copper planes, the distance between holes proved to be critical in affecting the desorption rate. For fully saturated PCBs, the desorption time at elevated temperatures was observed to be in the order of hundreds of hours. Finite difference diffusion modelling was carried out for moisture desorption behaviour for plated through holes and drilled holes in copper planes. A meshed copper plane was also modelled evaluating its effectiveness for assisting moisture removal and decreasing bake times. Results also showed, that in certain circumstances, regions of the PCB under copper planes initially increase in moisture during baking.
Technical Library | 2018-09-10 08:44:08.0
Issue: Moisture and bubbles in your dispensing material with larger quantities Solution: Scheugenpflug’s 55-gal Barrel Agitator Station Barrel agitators for casting resins take their technology from the paint sector. They fall short of meeting the special demands of the auto, medical, aeronautics and electronics industries. They can’t guarantee a solid seal on the barrels – often containing expensive, moisture sensitive resins – allowing the humidity of the surrounding environment to damage the material. Also, conventional barrel agitators, as opposed to smaller units, cannot work in a vacuum to process materials directly.
Technical Library | 2020-08-13 01:12:57.0
The solar industry has driven solutions that result in electronics systems that are required to perform in outside environments for over 25 years. This industry expectation has resulted in solutions to protect the electronics from failure that can result from interaction with moisture, and various chemicals leading to corrosion and shorting of the systems. Potting and encapsulation compounds can impart the very high level of protection from environmental, thermal, chemical, mechanical, and electrical conditions that the solar applications demand.
Technical Library | 2024-09-02 17:31:09.0
The cracking and delamination of printed circuit boards (PCB) during exposure to elevated thermal exposure, such as reflow and rework, have always been a concern for the electronics industry. However, with the increasing spread of Pb-free assembly into industries with lower volume and higher complexity, the occurrence of these events is increasing in frequency. Several telecom and enterprise original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have reported that the robustness of their PCBs is their number one concern during the transition from SnPb to Pb-free product. Cracking and delamination within PCBs can be cohesive or adhesive in nature and can occur within the weave, along the weave, or at the copper/epoxy interface (see Figure 1). The particular role of moisture absorption and other PCB material properties, such as out of plane expansion on this phenomenon is still being debated.
Technical Library | 2020-08-16 14:50:25.0
Not all desiccant bags are created or perform equally. Performance measures include: a) How long does desiccant last? b) How much are can be desiccated in a given area? c) How much moisture is retained, and or released back into the atmosphere? This article walks engineers through various test they can perform to determine efficacy. Additionally, the article highlight between adsorption vs adsorption.
Technical Library | 2014-10-23 18:10:10.0
The functional reliability of electronic circuits determines the overall reliability of the product in which the final products are used. Market forces including more functionality in smaller components, no-clean lead-free solder technologies, competitive forces and automated assembly create process challenges. Cleanliness under the bottom terminations must be maintained in harsh environments. Residues under components can attract moisture and lead to leakage currents and the potential for electrochemical migration (...) The purpose of this research study is to evaluate innovative spray and soak methods for removing low residue flux residues and thoroughly rinsing under Bottom Termination and Leadless Components