Technical Library: leak (Page 1 of 1)

Successful Conformal Coating Masking

Technical Library | 2013-10-22 07:38:42.0

In conformal coating many components and printed circuit board locations must remain uncoated due to the insulating nature of the coating. The purpose of the conformal coating masking materials is to prevent migration of the conformal coatings into components that need to clear and designated keep out areas. This applies to both liquid conformal coating and Parylene processing. Get this basic process wrong and it can be a big problem, leading to the next stage of either repairing the conformal coating leak, stripping the conformal coating off the circuit board, removing a component to replace it or scrapping the board. This paper reviews typical masking application methods in conformal coating and provides advice on minimising problems.

SCH Technologies

Contamination Profile of Printed Circuit Board Assemblies in Relation to Soldering Types and Conformal Coating

Technical Library | 2017-12-11 22:31:06.0

Typical printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs) processed by reflow, wave, or selective wave soldering were analysed for typical levels of process related residues, resulting from a specific or combination of soldering process. Typical solder flux residue distribution pattern, composition, and concentration are profiled and reported. Presence of localized flux residues were visualized using a commercial Residue RAT gel test and chemical structure was identified by FT-IR, while the concentration was measured using ion chromatography, and the electrical properties of the extracts were determined by measuring the leak current using a twin platinum electrode setup. Localized extraction of residue was carried out using a commercial C3 extraction system. Results clearly show that the amount and distribution of flux residues are a function of the soldering process, and the level can be reduced by an appropriate cleaning. Selective soldering process generates significantly higher levels of residues compared to the wave and reflow process. For conformal coated PCBAs, the contamination levels generated from the tested wave and selective soldering process are found to be enough to generate blisters under exposure to high humidity levels.

Technical University of Denmark

Test Fixture Design Presentation ICT & FCT Test Fixtures

Technical Library | 2021-05-20 13:55:14.0

Quality Control is essential in production processes. In the PCB Assembly process there are several Quality Control steps or options. The most popular tests are the electrical (In-Circuit or ICT) and the function (functional or FCT/FVT) test. ICT test fixtures are standardized and there are several major test platforms available which are industry standards. For FCT applications there are many more variations possible due to the vast number of testers and interface approaches unique to each customer; also due to an endless list of applications which fall under the category of Functional Test (RF, High Current, LED test, Leak test etc.) Test Probes are a very important part in ICT as well as in FCT applications. If the wrong test probe (type, spring force, tip style etc.) is used, the test fixture will not work as intended. In addition the test probe must be installed correctly in order to work properly. This presentation will show general information and some guidelines for a proper Test Fixture design to assure the most efficient production.

INGUN Pruefmittelbau GmbH


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