Technical Library: mlcc crack parallel (Page 1 of 1)

Flexible Termination - Reliability in Stringent Environments

Technical Library | 2009-05-21 13:41:05.0

Failure due to board flex cracks persists as the dominant failure mode in multi-layer ceramic capacitors (MLCC). (...) This paper is intended to show the impact of temperature cycling, high-temperature life tests, and multiple bend exposures to the MLCC with this flexible termination.

KEMET Electronics Corporation

Does Thermal Cycling Impact the Electrical Reliability of a No-Clean Solder Paste Flux Residue

Technical Library | 2018-08-29 21:17:53.0

No-clean solder pastes are widely used in a number of applications that are exposed to wide variations in temperature during the life of the assembled electronics device. Some have observed that cracks can and do form in flux residue and have postulated that this is the result of or exacerbated by temperature cycling. Furthermore, the potential exists for the flux residue to soften or liquefy at elevated temperatures, and even flow if orientated parallel to gravity. In situations such as in automotive electronics, where significant temperature cycling is a reality and high reliability is a must, concern sometimes exists that the cracking and possible softening or liquefying of the residue may have a deleterious effect on the electrical reliability of the flux residue. This paper will attempt to address this concern.

Indium Corporation


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