Technical Library: peeled (Page 1 of 1)

Common failure mechanisms in conformal coating: Delamination

Technical Library | 2024-09-02 21:02:46.0

In conformal coating, there are several mechanisms that cause failure of printed circuit boards (PCBs). In a series of technical bulletins SCH will examine the common failure mechanisms in conformal coating including capillary flow, delamination, cracking, loss of adhesion, dewetting, corrosion, orange peel, pinholes, bubbles and foam.

SCH Technologies

Coatings and Pottings: A Critical Update

Technical Library | 2021-08-11 01:00:37.0

Conformal coatings and potting materials continue to create issues for the electronics industry. This webinar will dig deeper into the failure modes of these materials, specifically issues with Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), delamination, cracking, de-wetting, pinholes/bubbles and orange peel issues with conformal coatings and what mitigation techniques are available. Similarly, this webinar will look at the failure modes of potting materials, (e.g Glass Transition Temperature (Tg), PCB warpage, the effects of improper curing and potential methods for correcting these situations.

DfR Solutions (acquired by ANSYS Inc)

Development of Halogen Free, Low Loss Copper-Clad Laminates Containing a Novel Phosphonate Oligomer

Technical Library | 2017-08-24 16:53:20.0

With the rapid development of the information industry, increasing attention is being paid to the dielectric performance of base materials including copper-clad laminates (CCL) and prepregs. In addition to the increasingly high performance requirements of CCL's, the present global attention to less toxic products is leading to an increase in the use of halogen-free flame retardants in electronics. (...) This paper introduces a new phosphonate oligomer which can be used as a reactive flame retardant in epoxy based resin systems. Suitable conditions for the complete reaction between the phosphonate oligomer and epoxy resin are described and the resulting halogen-free laminates with improved properties such as low Df, low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), high peel strength, and good toughness are presented.

FRX Polymers Inc.

Study on Solder Joint Reliability of Fine Pitch CSP

Technical Library | 2015-12-31 15:19:28.0

Today's consumer electronic product are characterized by miniatuization, portability and light weight with high performance, especially for 3G mobile products. In the future more fine pitch CSPs (0.4mm) component will be required. However, the product reliability has been a big challenge with the fine pitch CSP. Firstly, the fine pitch CSPs are with smaller solder balls of 0.25mm diameter or even smaller. The small solder ball and pad size do weaken the solder connection and the adhesion of the pad and substrate, thus the pad will peel off easily from the PCB substrate. In addition, miniature solder joint reduce the strength during mechanical vibration, thermal shock, fatigue failure, etc. Secondly, applying sufficient solder paste evenly on the small pad of the CSP is difficult because stencil opening is only 0.25mm or less. This issue can be solved using the high end type of stencil such as Electroforming which will increase the cost.

Flex (Flextronics International)

Semi-Additive Process for Low Loss Build-Up Material in High Frequency Signal Transmission Substrates

Technical Library | 2018-04-18 23:55:01.0

Higher functionality, higher performance and higher reliability with smaller real estate are the mantras of any electronic device and the future guarantees more of the same. In order to achieve the requirements of these devices, designs must incorporate fine line and via pitch while maintain good circuitry adhesion at a smooth plating-resin interface to improve signal integrity. The Semi-Additive Process (SAP) is a production-proven method used on low dielectric loss tangent (Df) build-up materials that enables the manufacture of ultra-fine circuitry. (...) This paper will discuss a new SAP process for low loss build-up materials with low desmear roughness (Ra= 40-100 nm) and excellent adhesion (610-680 gf/cm) at various processing conditions. Along with the process flow, the current work will also present results and a discussion regarding characterization on the morphology and composition of resin and/or metal plating surfaces using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), surface roughness analysis, plating-resin adhesion evaluation from 90o peel tests

MacDermid Inc.

Controlling Moisture during Inner layer Processing

Technical Library | 2024-09-02 18:48:58.0

The conversion to higher temperature "Lead Free" assembly reflow conditions has created an increased awareness that entrapped or absorbed moisture is a frequent root cause of thermally induced delamination at assembly reflow. There are two connected failure modes from entrapped moisture; incomplete resin cross-linking resulting in premature resin decomposition and also severe Z axis expansion from "explosive vaporization of the entrapped moisture at elevated temperatures at assembly reflow". Ultimately, both result in delamination failure. Other papers have shown the negative effects of entrapped moisture before lamination including delamination, red color, reduced thermal reliability and increased high speed signal loss. In this paper, various materials were tested for moisture sensitivity during lamination. Tests were performed at varying lamination conditions including a pre-vacuum step and "kiss" step. Pressure and cure temperature parameters were evaluated for minimizing or eliminating the effect of trapped moisture. Also included are the results of inner layer moisture removal baking conditions and their effect on peel strength and thermal reliability.

MacDermid, Inc.


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