Technical Library: ricky (Page 1 of 1)

Low Surface Energy Coatings Rewrites the Area Ratio Rules

Technical Library | 2013-06-20 14:33:12.0

With today's consumer technologies driving the need for denser and more compact devices, the assembly process for surface mounted devices has becoming increasingly more difficult. With the mixture of components requiring a broader range of print deposition volume, various techniques are in use in an attempt to ensure consistent and appropriate paste volume is achieved. Some of these techniques include step etching a stencil locally on a targeted device, promoting electroformed smooth wall nickel stencils, through to laser cutting newer grade stencil materials. This paper focuses on the relevant attributes that affect the properties of solder paste release and introduces the effects of surface free energy with respect to key elements that make up the stencil printing process.

Assembly Process Technologies LLC

Profiled Squeegee Blade: Rewrites the Rules for Angle of Attack

Technical Library | 2014-12-24 19:22:52.0

For centuries, the squeegee blade has been used throughout many applications for depositing viscous materials through screens and stencils to transfer images on to substrates, from cloth material to electronic circuit boards. One area of blade printing mechanics that have been reviewed many times is the angle of attack of the blade. Typically it has been tested from 45 degrees to 60 degrees to optimize the printing quality and efficiency. However, this typically ends up as a compromise, from fill characteristics (45 degrees) to print definition (60 degrees). This paper will present the revolutionary performance of the profiled squeegee blade, which has recently been developed to create a virtual multi angle of attack for unsurpassed process control for all types of stencil printing processes.

Lu-Con Technologies


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