Technical Library: service manager (Page 1 of 1)

Scalable Platform Services on the Intel TFLOPS Supercomputer

Technical Library | 1999-05-07 10:01:52.0

This paper describes Scalable Platform Services (SPS)- a collection of software providing the manageability solution for Intel's latest parallel processing supercomputer.

Intel Corporation

Soldering Faster At Lower Temperatures: A Performance Comparison

Technical Library | 1999-05-09 13:14:02.0

Studies and tests of comparative soldering iron thermal performance at low temperatures - Metcal direct power soldering technology compared to conventional stored energy soldering irons from leading manufacturers.


What Is Turnkey Electronic Manufacturing?

Technical Library | 2017-06-23 12:42:59.0

End-to-end PCB assembly by world-class companies like Power Design Services allows you to focus on your core competencies with the added benefits of reduced cost and time to market. From material procurement to circuit board design and manufacturing, and supply chain management, we serve your needs helping you reach customers faster. Here is an overview of what our turnkey electronic manufacturing services consist of, and how you can use them to reduce your build time and cost.

Power Design Services

1 Liter of Gap Filler in Only 13 Seconds - New Dispensing Solution for the Thermal Management for HV Batteries

Technical Library | 2018-06-18 13:43:56.0

Thermal influences can significantly compromise the service life, capacity and especially the operational safety of HV batteries. In order to prevent damage due to excessive temperatures, large quantities of heat-conducting potting media are used here. Scheugenpflug has developed a new system solution for fast and reliable application of these materials.

Scheugenpflug Inc.

The Influence of Clean Air on the Value-Added Chain in Electronics Production

Technical Library | 2019-02-25 05:24:53.0

"The idea of the value chain is based on the process view of organizations, the idea of seeing a manufacturing (or service) organization as a system, made up of subsystems each with inputs, transformation processes and outputs".[1] The definition of a value-added chain by Michael E. Porter is one of many to be found in reference books, works and on websites. In principle, it involves a sequence of activities, executed by a manufacturing company to develop, produce, sell, ship, and maintain products or services. Three main parameters essentially influence a value-added chain: Direct activities − research, development, production, shipment etc. Indirect activities − maintenance, operation, occupational safety, environment etc. Quality assurance − monitoring, test/inspection; quality management etc. In particular, indirect activities and quality assurance generate a greater part of the costs in product manufacturing. This article principally focusses on the indirect activities, among them air purification.

ULT Canada Sales Incorporated

e-Supply Chain Management: Prerequisites To Success.

Technical Library | 2001-05-23 16:15:54.0

The supply chain is made up of all the activities that are required to deliver products to the customer - from designing product to receiving orders, procuring materials, marketing, manufacturing, logistics, customer service, receiving payment and so on. Anyone, anything, anywhere that influences a product’s time-to-market, price, quality, information exchange, delivery, among other activities is part of the supply chain.

R. Michael Donovan & Co., Inc.

Lead-free Rework Process For Chip Scale Packages

Technical Library | 2007-03-28 10:18:33.0

Legislation against the use of lead in electronics has been the driving force behind the use of lead-free solders, surface finishes, and component lead finishes. The major concern in using lead-free solders in the assembly and rework Chip Scale Packages (CSPs) is the relatively high temperatures that the components and the boards experience. Fine-pitch CSPs have very low standoff heights following assembly making inspection and rework of these components more difficult. One other concern pertinent to rework is the temperature of the neighboring components during rework. These issues, coupled with the limitations of rework equipment to handle lead-free reflow temperatures, make the task of reworking lead-free assemblies more challenging.

Universal Instruments Corporation

Re-Shoring or Near-Shoring Concepts Should be Strongly Considered when the OEM’s Goal is To Deliver Optimum Balance between Landed Cost and Time to Market

Technical Library | 2016-09-29 17:23:51.0

The old tactic of outsourcing to a low cost geography simply to deliver lowest cost direct and indirect labor was never a panacea supply chain solution. In fact, when evaluating solutions for lower volume and higher mix products typically found in the medical, industrial and public safety segments of the OEM market, IL & DL costs are only one subset of the total cost to land the product and service the ultimate customer. In this paper, there will be examination of what actual cost components should be included in a landed cost analysis, the soft costs that an OEM should consider to deliver outstanding performance in quality, logistics and delivery management of the supply chain solution. A detailed comparison using a 'case study' will be presented to demonstrate a total landed cost option versus one that is focused on IL/DL cost.

Kimball Electronics, Inc.

Green Supply Chain Management, Economic Growth and Environment: A GMM Based Evidence

Technical Library | 2018-05-30 15:31:21.0

The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between green logistics operations and energy demand, economic growth and environmental sustainability need to make factors for relationship clearer in a panel data of 43 different countries around the globe. The study employed panel Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimates for robust inferences. The results have revealed that logistics operations consume energy and fossil fuel, while the amount of fossil fuel and non-green energy sources create significant harmful effect on the environmental sustainability and also have negative effect on economic growth. In addition, poor transport-related infrastructure and logistics service are a major contributor of CO2 and total greenhouse gas emissions. However, carbon emission damages fauna and flora, and reduces economic growth. The findings suggest that renewable energy sources and green practices can mitigate harmful effect of logistics operations on environmental sustainability and spur economic activities with greatly export opportunities in a region.

Changan University

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & Choosing a Vendor

Technical Library | 2019-10-24 06:29:59.0

Making your novel electronic item design ready for mass fabrication and printed circuit board assembly consists of a lot of steps as well as risks. I will provide a few recommendations about how to neglect pricey errors and how to reduce the time to promote your novel item designs. You can hire printed circuit board assembly services for this. As soon as you have accomplished your product as well as printed circuit board design, you wish to get started developing prototypes prior to you commit to big fabrication volume. A lot of design software packages, for instance, PCB layout design software, as well as an industrial design software program, possess simulation potentials incorporated. Carrying out a simulation facilitates curtailing numerous design mistakes prior to the first prototype is developed. In case you are developing an intrusive item, you might desire to think about a modular design wherein all of the chief functionalities are situated in individual modules. All through your testing, you could then swap modules that don’t cater to the design limits. Spinning individual modules would be swifter and more cost-effective in comparison to spinning a complete design. Counting on the design intricacy, you can mull over manually mounting printed circuit board elements to bank dollars. Nonetheless, for medium to big intricacy this procedure likely to be very time taking, typically in case you wish to create numerous prototypes. Hence it makes sense thinking about a contract manufacturer for the assembly. Whilst running miniature quantity fabrication runs, the fabrication setup expenditure will usually control the by and large prototype constructs expenditure. Whilst seeking a subcontractor, it is finest to choose a vendor that focuses on prototype builds to reduce the cost. Prototype printed circuit board fabricators characteristically join the circuit boards of a number of clients which efficiently shares the setup expenditure in the midst of some customers. The disadvantage is that you would characteristically only be able to want among numerous standard printed circuit board material thicknesses as well as sizes. Apart from choosing a supplier with low setup expenditure, choosing a firm that would moreover be capable to manage your whole fabrication runs curtails mistakes because switching fabricators have the chance of errors owing to a specific supplier interpreting fabrication design data in a different way. This manner your design is already translated into the particular machine data that implies little or no setup expenditure for your final fabrication. A few PCB manufacturers also provide printed circuit board design services that are awesome plus if you do not possess experience with the design. Moreover, these vendors would be capable to help you in case there are issues with your design folders and be capable to detect issues prior to the fabrication.

Optima Technology Associates, Inc.


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