Technical Library: solder iron temperature verification (Page 1 of 1)

Soldering Faster At Lower Temperatures: A Performance Comparison

Technical Library | 1999-05-09 13:14:02.0

Studies and tests of comparative soldering iron thermal performance at low temperatures - Metcal direct power soldering technology compared to conventional stored energy soldering irons from leading manufacturers.


The Conditions and Solutions of Lead-free Hand Soldering

Technical Library | 2013-01-05 22:21:01.0

More and more countries legislate to forbib lead usage in solder material. However, the lead-free solder wire has higher melting point and soldering temperature, increase soldering iron temperature may damage the PCB or components. How to solve this problem?

Leisto Industrial Co., Limited

Effective Qualification of Soldering Iron Performance Criteria

Technical Library | 2012-11-27 14:06:48.0

Quality managers and line supervisors are routinely tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the hand soldering process is under control. The method most commonly used is to measure the idle tip temperature of the soldering station and to use this reading as a benchmark of system compliance. This method, although popular is now being seriously questioned by many industry professionals as being irrelevant in qualifying true system process control. This document aims to present a practical view of what factors are important for successful hand soldering and to suggest an alternative procedure for qualification that is simple, repeatable and directly related to the effectiveness of the soldering station.



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