Technical Library: solder weights (Page 1 of 1)

Anisotropic grain growth and crack propagation in eutectic microstructure under cyclic temperature annealing in flip-chip SnPb composite solder joints

Technical Library | 2014-06-19 18:13:23.0

For high-density electronic packaging,the application of flip-chip solder joints has been well received in the microelectronics industry. High-lead(Pb) solders such as Sn5Pb95 are presently granted immunity from the RoHS requirements for their use in high-end flip-chip devices, especially in military applications. In flip-chip technology for consumer electronic products, organic substrates have replaced ceramic substrates due to the demand for less weight and low cost. However, the liquidus temperatures of high-Pb solders are over 300°C which would damage organic substrates during reflow because of the low glass transition temperature. To overcome this difficulty, the composite solder approach was developed...

National Chiao Tung University

Gold Embrittlement In Lead-Free Solder.

Technical Library | 2014-08-07 15:13:44.0

Gold embrittlement in SnPb solder is a well-known failure mechanism in electronic assembly. To avoid this issue, prior studies have indicated a maximum gold content of three weight percent. This study attempts to provide similar guidance for Pb-free (SAC305) solder. Standard surface mount devices were assembled with SnPb and SAC305 solder onto printed boards with various thicknesses of gold plating. The gold plating included electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG) and electrolytic gold of 15, 25, 35, and 50 microinches over nickel. These gold thicknesses resulted in weight percentages between 0.4 to 7.0 weight percent.

DfR Solutions (acquired by ANSYS Inc)

Pad Design and Process for Voiding Control at QFN Assembly

Technical Library | 2024-07-24 01:04:35.0

Quad Flat No Leads (QFN) package designs receive more and more attention in electronic industry recently. This package offers a number of benefits including (1) small size, such as a near die size footprint, thin profile, and light weight; (2) easy PCB trace routing due to the use of perimeter I/O pads; (3) reduced lead inductance; and (4) good thermal and electrical performance due to the adoption of exposed copper die-pad technology. These features make the QFN an ideal choice for many new applications where size, weight, electrical, and thermal properties are important. However, adoption of QFN often runs into voiding issue at SMT assembly. Upon reflow, outgassing of solder paste flux at the large thermal pad has difficulty escaping and inevitably results in voiding. It is well known that the presence of voids will affect the mechanical properties of joints and deteriorate the strength, ductility, creep, and fatigue life. In addition, voids could also produce spot overheating, lessening the reliability of the joints.

Indium Corporation

Study on Solder Joint Reliability of Fine Pitch CSP

Technical Library | 2015-12-31 15:19:28.0

Today's consumer electronic product are characterized by miniatuization, portability and light weight with high performance, especially for 3G mobile products. In the future more fine pitch CSPs (0.4mm) component will be required. However, the product reliability has been a big challenge with the fine pitch CSP. Firstly, the fine pitch CSPs are with smaller solder balls of 0.25mm diameter or even smaller. The small solder ball and pad size do weaken the solder connection and the adhesion of the pad and substrate, thus the pad will peel off easily from the PCB substrate. In addition, miniature solder joint reduce the strength during mechanical vibration, thermal shock, fatigue failure, etc. Secondly, applying sufficient solder paste evenly on the small pad of the CSP is difficult because stencil opening is only 0.25mm or less. This issue can be solved using the high end type of stencil such as Electroforming which will increase the cost.

Flex (Flextronics International)

Improve SMT Assembly Yields Using Root Cause Analysis in Stencil Design

Technical Library | 2018-07-18 16:28:26.0

Reduction of first pass defects in the SMT assembly process minimizes cost, assembly time and improves reliability. These three areas, cost, delivery and reliability determine manufacturing yields and are key in maintaining a successful and profitable assembly process. It is commonly accepted that the solder paste printing process causes the highest percentage of yield challenges in the SMT assembly process. As form factor continues to get smaller, the challenge to obtain 100% yield becomes more difficult.This paper will identify defects affecting SMT yields in the printing process and discuss their Root Cause. Outer layer copper weight and surface treatment will also be addressed as to their effect on printability. Experiments using leadless and emerging components will be studied and root cause analysis will be presented



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