Technical Library: steps (Page 3 of 7)

Effective Methods to Get Volatile Compounds Out of Reflow Process

Technical Library | 2016-02-11 18:26:43.0

Although reflow ovens may not have been dramatically changed during the last decade the reflow process changes step by step. With the introduction of lead-free soldering not only operation temperatures increased, but also the chemistry of the solder paste was modified to meet the higher thermal requirements. Miniaturization is a second factor that impacts the reflow process. The density on the assembly is increasing where solder paste deposit volumes decreases due to smaller pad and component dimensions. Pick and place machines can handle more components and to meet this high through put some SMD lines are equipped with dual lane conveyors, doubling solder paste consumption. With the introduction of pin in paste to solder through hole components contamination of the oven increased due to dripping of the paste.

Vitronics Soltec

Medical Device Manufacturing: Designing for X-ray Inspection

Technical Library | 2023-11-20 18:18:34.0

When x-ray inspection is used as part of a quality assurance program for any assembled device, steps must be taken early in the design stage to anticipate the use of x-ray inspection later in the development and production processes. This is a lesson that electronic assembly manufacturers learned years ago, and that medical device manufacturers are also discovering. There are several steps involved in learning how to interpret x-ray images, and how to design for x-ray inspection. First, manufacturers need to understand the nature of the x-ray shadow and its modalities; then they need to see how medical device developers and manufacturers are using x-ray inspection; finally, they need to consider taking measures early in the design process to ensure a clear, accurate image when the assembled device undergoes x-ray inspection.

Glenbrook Technologies

Kaphesion VSI Parylenes solution to Polyimide Adhesion

Technical Library | 2017-04-13 10:57:53.0

Parylene has been used for decades as a barrier layer to protect critical devices and components. The parylene deposition process typically requires an adhesion promotion step to make sure the parylene adheres well to the base substrate. Typical adhesion methods don't work well on Kapton and Polyamide, until VSI Parylene came up with a solution.

VSI Parylene

Implementing Lead Free Soldering - European Consortium Research

Technical Library | 2007-07-12 14:29:37.0

Over the last ten years, there have been a large number of publications describing work into lead free electronics soldering. They have come from all regions of the world and from academic organisations, individual companies and consortia. Although a number of these studies have culminated in "production trials", these have invariably been on a limited scale and they were essentially a demonstration, rather than the first step to implementation.

Multicore Solders

Process Development And Characterization Of The Stencil Printing Process For Small Apertures

Technical Library | 2008-01-16 18:25:55.0

The consumer's interest for smaller, lighter and higher performance electronics products has increased the use of ultra fine pitch packages, such as Flip Chips and Chip Scale Packages, in printed circuit board (PCB) assembly. The assembly processes for these ultra fine pitch packages are extremely complex and each step in the assembly process influences the assembly yield and reliability.

Speedline Technologies, Inc.

Effect of Contact Time on Lead-Free Wave Soldering

Technical Library | 2008-08-28 22:50:11.0

The increasing use of lead-free solder has introduced a new set of process parameters when setting up wave solder equipment for effective soldering. Determining the proper flow characteristics of the solder wave for adequate hole fill is an essential step in achieving a reliable process. A variety of solder waves exist in the industry; each with advantages and disadvantages when performing lead-free wave soldering. One way to ensure adequate hole-fill is by increasing contact time at the Chip Wave.

Speedline Technologies, Inc.

Developing An Effective, Fast-Curing, Environmentally Sound Conformal Coating

Technical Library | 2010-02-10 23:50:23.0

The electronics industry has recently undertaken the transition to lead-free processing as a direct consequence of the RoHS directive, which came into force in July 2006. However, this is unlikely to be the last transition required since the European Solvent Emissions Directive, 1999 is starting to be implemented and enforced by national governments. This is resulting in pressure on larger manufacturers, currently emitting more than 5 tonnes of solvent vapour per annum to take steps to limit and reduce their emissions.

Chase Electronic Coatings

Expectations for Companies' Conflict Minerals Reporting

Technical Library | 2014-04-24 16:37:42.0

By May 31, 2014, it is expected that companies, officially known as issuers, will be required to take the unprecedented step of submitting their first conflict minerals disclosures to the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC. This paper is intended to describe the content that certain sustainable and responsible investors, or SRIs, and nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs, expect to see in an issuer's Specialized Disclosure, or Form SD, and Conflict Minerals Report, or CMR, if a CMR is deemed necessary.

Responsible Sourcing Network

Autonomous Maintenance (AM) increases efficiency and productivity

Technical Library | 2018-05-05 21:37:12.0

With the growing demand for manufacturing facilities, authorities took many actions to escalate the efficiency of production processes. Many formal methods were implemented for a longer period of time without acquiring significant growth in the field. But with the introduction of Autonomous Maintenance (AM) to the modern manufacturing facilities they achieved an increment in efficiency and productivity in a historical brisk pace. This article is about AM Step Zero too.

Business Industrial Network

SMT Troubleshooting Guide

Technical Library | 2018-10-20 13:50:05.0

With this easy-to-use Troubleshooting Guide, you can learn to troubleshoot common SMT issues. After using it a few times, it will become an essential companion for you and anyone in your company responsible for operating an SMT line. This Guide offers troubleshooting advice for common SMT assembly issues by process defect. If your issue is not resolved after following the steps to help identify the possible root cause and solution, please contact your Cookson Electronics representative who will be able to provide you with further assistance.

Cookson Electronics

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