Technical Library: technical devices nu/era (Page 1 of 2)

Fundamentals of Analog Signature Analysis

Technical Library | 2012-02-09 15:26:56.0

The Fundamentals of Signature Analysis Technical document discusses the basics of power-off analog signature analysis, how it relates to basic electronic devices and how it is used for circuit board troubleshooting.

Huntron, Inc.

Privacy Threats through Ultrasonic Side Channels on Mobile Devices

Technical Library | 2017-05-11 18:03:24.0

Device tracking is a serious threat to the privacy of users, as it enables spying on their habits and activities. A recent practice embeds ultrasonic beacons in audio and tracks them using the microphone of mobile devices. In this paper, we explore the capabilities, the current prevalence and technical limitations of this new tracking technique based on three commercial tracking solutions. To this end, we develop detection approaches for ultrasonic beacons and Android applications capable of processing these.

Technical University Braunschweig

Surface Mount Rework Techniques

Technical Library | 1999-05-09 12:51:38.0

This Technical Note outlines, step by step, the easiest ways to remove and replace surface mounted devices, using the lowest possible temperatures. This document discusses the following topics: Removal and replacement of discrete and passive components (capacitors, resistors, SOTs), Removal of two-sided components (SOICs, SOJs, TSOPs), Removal of quad components (PLCCs, QFPs), Replacement of quad components including fine-pitched devices.


Projection Moiré vs. Shadow Moiré for Warpage Measurement and Failure Analysis of Advanced Packages

Technical Library | 2013-01-31 18:43:15.0

There are three key industry trends that are driving the need for temperature-dependent warpage measurement: the trend toward finer-pitch devices, the emergence of lead-free processing, and changes in device form factors. Warpage measurement has become a key measurement for analysis; prevention and prediction of interconnect defects and has been employed in failure analysis labs and production sites worldwide. First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings

ZN Technologies

Stencil Printing of Small Apertures

Technical Library | 2012-10-25 16:34:02.0

First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings. This paper will examine stencil technologies (including Laser and Electroform), Aperture Wall coatings (including Nickel-Teflon coatings and Nano-coatings), and how these parameters influence paste transfer for miniature devices with Area Ratios less than the standard recommended lower limit of .5. A matrix of print tests will be utilized to compare paste transfer and measure the effectiveness of the different stencil configurations. Area Ratios ranging from .32 to .68 will be investigated.

Photo Stencil LLC

No-Clean Flux Residue and Underfill Compatibility Effects on Electrical Reliability

Technical Library | 2013-04-11 15:43:17.0

With the explosion of growth in handheld electronics devices, manufacturers have been forced to look for ways to reinforce their assemblies against the inevitable bumps and drops that their products experience in the field. One method of reinforcement has been the utilization of underfills to "glue" certain SMDs to the PCB. Bumped SMDs attached to the PCB with a no-clean soldering process offer the unavoidable scenario of the underfill coming in contact with a flux residue. This may or may not create a reliability issue... First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings

Indium Corporation

Why Wide Fine Pitch Pads?

Technical Library | 1999-05-07 08:45:39.0

Fine pitch SMT devices, although certainly not new, present more of an assembly processing challenge than 50 mil pitch devices. In fact it seems that the finer the pitch the more difficult or narrower the process window becomes. Besides the pitch of the leads being less on fine pitch devices narrower pad width on the board is typical. With fine pitch designs the board fabrication process is also stressed in that the strip of mask between the pads is designed narrower, the alignment of the mask to copper becomes more critical


RF Packaging Advancements for Navy Applications

Technical Library | 2007-10-02 22:09:50.0

The vast majority (99%) of the electronics market in North America is composed of products produced for commercial applications. The 1% share of the electronics market driven by Department of Defense (DoD) applications has created a niche market for RF qualified devices. The DoD, with its emphasis on COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) and "Open" systems, is beginning to become more interested in using commercially oriented RF devices for military applications as a means to leverage the volumes and innovations of the commercial world.

Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility (EMPF)

Dispensing Thermally Conductive Materials

Technical Library | 2022-09-29 14:08:42.0

Electronic vehicles, devices and components must not overheat, otherwise they may fail to operate correctly. Thermal management is a major technical challenge as components are getting smaller, power densities are increasing and demands on robustness and reliability are becoming more stringent. To prevent power losses or defects resulting from overheating, liquid thermal interface materials (TIMs) are being increasingly used to dissipate their heat. This White Paper discusses the aspects that need to be taken into account when dispensing these mostly highly viscous, highly abrasive materials and why in many cases they are better alternatives to pads, tapes and foils.

Scheugenpflug Inc.

Effect of Silicone Conformal Coating on Surface Insulation Resistance (SIR) For Printed Circuit Board Assemblies

Technical Library | 2013-04-18 16:46:42.0

Conformal coatings are considered a method of providing corrosion protection to electrical assemblies used in high-humidity or harsh environments. They are applied to PCBs for various reasons: to protect from moisture and contamination, to minimize dendritic growth, to provide stress relief, and for insulation resistance. These contribute to more durable handling, enhanced device reliability, and reduced warranty costs. Increased miniaturization of new circuit board designs requires flexible, low stress coating material to protect delicate components and fine-pitch leads. Silicone conformal coatings offer many advantages that address the general trend of ongoing PCBs designs, such as: high flexibility and low modulus to reduce stress on delicate or small components... First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings.

Dow Corning Corporation

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