Technical Library: thermal pad (Page 1 of 4)

StencilQuick™ Lead-Free Solder Paste Rework Study

Technical Library | 2007-01-31 15:17:04.0

The goal of this project is to evaluate the reliability of lead-free BGA solder joints with a variety of different pad sizes using several different BGA rework methods. These methods included BGAs reworked with both flux only and solder paste attachment techniques and with or without the use of the BEST stay in place StencilQuick™. The daisy chained test boards were placed into a thermal test chamber and cycled between -25ºC to 125ºC over a 30 minute cycle with a 30 minute dwell on each end of the cycle. Each BGA on the board was wired and the continuity assessed during the 1000 cycles the test samples were in the chamber.



Technical Library | 2024-07-24 01:18:03.0

Quad Flat No-Lead (QFN) packages has become very popular in the industry and are widely used in many products. These packages have different size and pin counts, but they have a common feature: thermal pad at the bottom of device. The thermal pad of the leadless QFN provides efficient heat dissipation from the component to PCB. In many cases, arrays of the thermal via under the component is used to dissipate heat from the device. However, thermal vias can create more voids or result in solder protrusion onto the secondary side.

Flex (Flextronics International)

Defect freeQFN Assembly

Technical Library | 2011-06-09 20:28:30.0

QFN Description: A QFN package is a QUAD-FLAT-NO LEAD device. This package is small and lightweight and has no leads (unlike a gull wing or J-leaded device). QFN’s have a thermal pad (paddle) on the bottom side of the part that offers heat dissipation and

AccuSpec Electronics, LLC

Fill the Void II: An Investigation into Methods of Reducing Voiding

Technical Library | 2018-10-03 20:41:44.0

Voids in solder joints plague many electronics manufacturers. Do you have voids in your life? We have good news for you, there are many excellent ways to "Fill the Void." This paper is a continuation of previous work on voiding in which the following variables were studied: water soluble lead-free solder pastes, a variety of stencil designs, and reflow profiles. Quad Flat No-Lead (QFN) component thermal pads were used as the test vehicle. The voiding results were summarized and recommendations were made for reduction of voiding.


Strategies for Designing Microwave Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards Using Stripline Structures

Technical Library | 2010-06-03 22:23:03.0

Strategies for successful design and manufacture of microwave multilayer printed circuit boards. All aspects from pad registration, dimensional stability, impedance fluctuation, fusion bonding, thermal ageing, z-axis expansion, reliability, to Young's mod


Assessing the Effectiveness of I/O Stencil Aperture Modifications on BTC Void Reduction

Technical Library | 2018-09-26 20:33:26.0

Bottom terminated components, or BTCs, have been rapidly incorporated into PCB designs because of their low cost, small footprint and overall reliability. The combination of leadless terminations with underside ground/thermal pads have presented a multitude of challenges to PCB assemblers, including tilting, poor solder fillet formation, difficult inspection and – most notably – center pad voiding. Voids in large SMT solder joints can be difficult to predict and control due to the variety of input variables that can influence their formation. Solder paste chemistries, PCB final finishes, and reflow profiles and atmospheres have all been scrutinized, and their effects well documented. Additionally, many of the published center pad voiding studies have focused on optimizing center pad footprint and stencil aperture designs. This study focuses on I/O pad stencil modifications rather than center pad modifications. It shows a no-cost, easily implemented I/O design guideline that can be deployed to consistently and repeatedly reduce void formation on BTC-style packages.

AIM Solder

Pad Design and Process for Voiding Control at QFN Assembly

Technical Library | 2024-07-24 01:04:35.0

Quad Flat No Leads (QFN) package designs receive more and more attention in electronic industry recently. This package offers a number of benefits including (1) small size, such as a near die size footprint, thin profile, and light weight; (2) easy PCB trace routing due to the use of perimeter I/O pads; (3) reduced lead inductance; and (4) good thermal and electrical performance due to the adoption of exposed copper die-pad technology. These features make the QFN an ideal choice for many new applications where size, weight, electrical, and thermal properties are important. However, adoption of QFN often runs into voiding issue at SMT assembly. Upon reflow, outgassing of solder paste flux at the large thermal pad has difficulty escaping and inevitably results in voiding. It is well known that the presence of voids will affect the mechanical properties of joints and deteriorate the strength, ductility, creep, and fatigue life. In addition, voids could also produce spot overheating, lessening the reliability of the joints.

Indium Corporation

Novel Approach to Void Reduction Using Microflux Coated Solder Preforms for QFN/BTC Packages that Generate Heat

Technical Library | 2019-08-07 22:56:45.0

The requirement to reconsider traditional soldering methods is becoming more relevant as the demand for bottom terminated components (QFN/BTC) increases. Thermal pads under said components are designed to enhance the thermal and electrical performance of the component and ultimately allow the component to run more efficiently. Additionally, low voiding is important in decreasing the current path of the circuit to maximize high speed and RF performances. The demand to develop smaller, more reliable, packages has seen voiding requirements decrease below 15 percent and in some instances, below 10 percent.Earlier work has demonstrated the use of micro-fluxed solder preforms as a mechanism to reduce voiding. The current work builds upon these results to focus on developing an engineered approach to void reduction in leadless components (QFN) through increasing understanding of how processing parameters and a use of custom designed micro-fluxed preforms interact. Leveraging the use of a micro-fluxed solder preform in conjunction with low voiding solder paste, stencil design, and application knowhow are critical factors in determining voiding in QFN packages. The study presented seeks to understand the vectors that can contribute to voiding such as PCB pad finish, reflow profile, reflow atmosphere, via configuration, and ultimately solder design.A collaboration between three companies consisting of solder materials supplier, a power semiconductor supplier, and an electronic assembly manufacturer worked together for an in-depth study into the effectiveness of solder preforms at reducing voiding under some of the most prevalent bottom terminated components packages. The effects of factors such as thermal pad size, finish on PCB, preform types, stencil design, reflow profile and atmosphere, have been evaluated using lead-free SAC305 low voiding solder paste and micro-fluxed preforms. Design and manufacturing rules developed from this work will be discussed.

Alpha Assembly Solutions

Fill the Void IV: Elimination of Inter-Via Voiding

Technical Library | 2019-10-10 00:26:28.0

Voids are a plague to our electronics and must be eliminated! Over the last few years we have studied voiding in solder joints and published three technical papers on methods to "Fill the Void." This paper is part four of this series. The focus of this work is to mitigate voids for via in pad circuit board designs. Via holes in Quad Flat No-Lead (QFN) thermal pads create voiding issues. Gasses can come out of via holes and rise into the solder joint creating voids. Solder can also flow down into the via holes creating gaps in the solder joint. One method of preventing this is via plugging. Via holes can be plugged, capped, or left open. These via plugging options were compared and contrasted to each other with respect to voiding. Another method of minimizing voiding is through solder paste stencil design. Solder paste can be printed around the via holes with gas escape routes. This prevents gasses from via holes from being trapped in the solder joint. Several stencil designs were tested and voiding performance compared and contrasted. In many cases voiding will be reduced only if a combination of mitigation strategies are used. Recommendations for combinations of via hole plugging and stencil design are given. The aim of this paper is to help the reader to "Fill the Void."


Reliability Study of Bottom Terminated Components

Technical Library | 2015-07-14 13:19:10.0

Bottom terminated components (BTC) are leadless components where terminations are protectively plated on the underside of the package. They are all slightly different and have different names, such as QFN (quad flat no lead), DFN (dual flat no lead), LGA (land grid array) and MLF (micro lead-frame. BTC assembly has increased rapidly in recent years. This type of package is attractive due to its low cost and good performance like improved signal speeds and enhanced thermal performance. However, bottom terminated components do not have any leads to absorb the stress and strain on the solder joints. It relies on the correct amount of solder deposited during the assembly process for having a good solder joint quality and reliable reliability. Voiding is typically seen on the BTC solder joint, especially on the thermal pad of the component. Voiding creates a major concern on BTC component’s solder joint reliability. There is no current industry standard on the voiding criteria for bottom terminated component. The impact of voiding on solder joint reliability and the impact of voiding on the heat transfer characteristics at BTC component are not well understood. This paper will present some data to address these concerns.

Flex (Flextronics International)

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