Technical Library | 2019-08-14 22:20:55.0
Cleanliness is a product of design, including component density, standoff height and the cleaning equipment’s ability to deliver the cleaning agent to the source of residue. The presence of manufacturing process soil, such as flux residue, incompletely activated flux, incompletely cured solder masks, debris from handling and processing fixtures, and incomplete removal of cleaning fluids can hinder the functional lifetime of the product. Contaminates trapped under a component are more problematic to failure. Advanced test methods are needed to obtain "objective evidence" for removing flux residues under leadless components.Cleaning process performance is a function of cleaning capacity and defined cleanliness. Cleaning performance can be influenced by the PCB design, cleaning material, cleaning machine, reflow conditions and a wide range of process parameters.This research project is designed to study visual flux residues trapped under the bottom termination of leadless components. This paper will research a non-destructive visual method that can be used to study the cleanability of solder pastes, cleaning material effectiveness for the soil, cleaning machine effectiveness and process parameters needed to render a clean part.
Technical Library | 2012-05-10 19:48:10.0
First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings. Creep corrosion normally happens in the end system, PCB, connectors and components are widely noted due to the exposure of high sulfur environments under elevated humidity. In thi
Technical Library | 2013-08-08 15:23:11.0
In this project Machine Vision PCB Inspection System is applied at the first step of manufacturing, i.e., the making of bare PCB. We first compare a PCB standard image with a PCB image, using a simple subtraction algorithm that can highlight the main problem-regions. We have also seen the effect of noise in a PCB image that at what level this method is suitable to detect the faulty image. Our focus is to detect defects on printed circuit boards & to see the effect of noise. Typical defects that can be detected are over etchings (opens), under-etchings (shorts), holes etc...
Technical Library | 2023-05-22 17:46:29.0
Over the past several years, much research has been performed and published on the benefits of stencil nano-coatings and solvent under wipes. The process improvements are evident and well-documented in terms of higher print and end-of-line yields, in improved print volume repeatability, in extended under wipe intervals, and in photographs of the stencil's PCB-seating surface under both white and UV light. But quantifying the benefits using automated Solder Paste Inspection (SPI) methods has been elusive at best. SPI results using these process enhancements typically reveal slightly lower paste transfer efficiencies and less variation in print volumes to indicate crisper print definition. However, the improvements in volume data do not fully account for the overall improvements noted elsewhere in both research and in production.
Technical Library | 2015-08-20 15:51:08.0
Temperature and Humidity on Selective Conformal Coating It is well known that selective conformal coating on printed circuit board (PCB) assemblies provides unparallel protection for PCB’s. Nevertheless, concentrated conditions of humidity, water, and high temperatures can have negative effects on the conformal coating itself causing it to fail and become inapt for its intended purpose. Taking this into consideration, it is prudent to choose the right type of conformal coating that best suits the application and environmental conditions under which an assembly is likely to undergo in use. The proper conformal coating will significantly reduce the likelihood of failure/rejection, saving both valuable time and money for any manufacturing process.
Technical Library | 2022-09-25 20:18:33.0
Printed circuit board (PCB) bending and/or flexing is an unavoidable phenomenon that is known to exist and is easily encountered during electronic board assembly processes. PCB bending and/or flexing is the fundamental source of tensile stress induced on the electronic components on the board assembly. For more brittle components, like ceramic-based electronic components, micro-cracks can be induced, which can eventually lead to a fatal failure of the components. For this reason, many standards organizations throughout the world specify the methods under which electronic board assemblies must be tested to ensure their robustness, sometimes as a pre-condition to more rigorous environmental tests such as thermal cycling or thermal shock.
Technical Library | 2023-01-06 16:09:03.0
The 4-14 IPC Standards Committee recently created a revision to the IPC4552 specification for Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold (ENIG) finished Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). Revision A brings a more comprehensive evaluation of metal layer thicknesses measurement, composition and introduces, for the first time, a quality aspect for nickel corrosion which has been historically connected to a defect called black line nickel or black pad.
Technical Library | 2013-01-03 20:27:54.0
Electronics assemblies with large flip-chip BGA packages can be prone to either pad cratering or brittle intermetallic (IMC) failures under excessive PCB bending. Pad cratering cracks are not detected by electrical testing or non-destructive inspection methods, yet they pose a long term reliability risk since the cracks may propagate under subsequent loads to cause electrical failure. Since the initiation of pad cratering does not result in an instantaneous electrical signature, detecting the onset of this failure has been challenging. An acoustic emission methodology was recently developed by the authors to detect the onset of pad cratering. The instantaneous release of elastic energy associated with the initiation of an internal crack, i.e., Acoustic Emission (AE), can be monitored to accurately determine the onset of both pad cratering and brittle intermetallic (IMC) failures.
Technical Library | 2021-02-17 22:13:39.0
The development of various biosensors has revolutionized the healthcare industry by providing rapid and reliable detection capability. Printed circuit board (PCB) technology has a well-established industry widely available around the world. In addition to electronics, this technology has been utilized to fabricate electrical parts, including electrodes for different biological and chemical sensors. High reproducibility achieved through long-lasting standard processes and low-cost resulting from an abundance of competitive manufacturing services makes this fabrication method a prime candidate for patterning electrodes and electrical parts of biosensors. The adoption of this approach in the fabrication of sensing platforms facilitates the integration of electronics and microfluidics with biosensors. In this review paper, the underlying principles and advances of printed board circuit technology are discussed. In addition, an overview of recent advancements in the development of PCB-based biosensors is provided. Finally, the challenges and outlook of PCB-based sensors are elaborated. doi:10.3390/bios10110159
Technical Library | 2015-02-27 16:46:30.0
During the last period of newly assembled electrical devices (pcbs), new component types like LGA and QFN were also qualified as well as smaller passive components with reliability requirements based on the automotive and industrial industry. In the narrow gaps under components, residues can accumulate more by the capillary forces. This is not that much a surface resistance than an interface issue. Also that the flux residues under such types of components creates interaction with the solder resists from the pcb, as well as the component body was not completely described in the standard SIR measurement. On the other hand also, electrical influence with higher voltage creates new terms and conditions, in particular the combination of power and logic in such devices. The standard SIR measurement cannot analyze those combinations.The paper will discuss the requirements for a measurement process, and will give results. The influences of the pcb and component quality will also be discussed. Furthermore it will describe requirements for nc solder paste to increase the chemical/thermical/electrical reliability for whole devices
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