Technical Library: used ace kiss selective solder machine (Page 1 of 1)

NEWS! Independent dual Z-axis selective soldering machine

Technical Library | 2020-04-16 05:52:45.0

Based on the dual pot, we developed an independent dual z-axis control dual pot for FLEX-i2! There are 5 operation modes available with the independent dual Z axis: only solder pot1, only solder pot2, first solder pot 1 then solder pot2, first solder pot2 then solder pot1, solder pot1 and solder pot2 together. In specific applications, solder pot1 can be selected with large nozzle soldering heat-absorbing large parts, solder pot2 use small nozzle soldering heat-absorbing small parts, so as to achieve both soldering effect and productivity. Also can use same nozzle, dual axis simultaneously solder two same plate to increase productivity. To get the maximum flexibility and productivity! FLEX-i2 is a compact in line selective soldering machine, equipped with high precision servo control system, jet valve, live-on camera, upper preheating etc, which can provide a high flexibility and efficiency soldering process. The maximum soldering size can reach 420mm*490mm!


Position Accuracy Machines for Selective Soldering Fine Pitch Components

Technical Library | 2015-02-27 17:06:01.0

The drive towards fine pitch technology also affects the soldering processes. Selective soldering is a reliable soldering process for THT (through hole) connectors and offers a wide process window for designers. THT connectors can be soldered on the top and bottom side of boards, board in board, PCBs to metal shields or housing out of plastic or aluminum are today's state of the art. The materials that are used to make the solder connections require higher temperatures. Due to the introduction of lead-free alloys, the boards need more heat to get the barrels filled with solder. This not only affects the properties of the flux and components, but the operation temperatures of solder machines become higher (...)First the impact of temperature will be discussed for the separate process steps and for machine tooling. In the experimental part measurements are done to verify the accuracy that can be achieved using today's selective soldering machines. Dedicated tooling is designed to achieve special requirements with respect to component position accuracy.

Vitronics Soltec

Selective Soldering: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Wave Soldering

Technical Library | 2023-11-14 19:33:57.0

Wave soldering is an established technology and is commonly used where large unit volumes occur with low product variety. However, if a wave soldering machine is getting old or if technological changes or new PCB designs limits its manufacturing capabilities, consideration should be given to whether selective soldering would be a better choice. Anyone who deals with soldering through-hole and surface mount mixed-technology printed circuit assemblies will quickly discover that a selective soldering machine is not only less expensive that wave soldering, but selective soldering also offers the opportunity to meet customer requirements with significantly more flexibility. One such company is Thomas Preuhs GmbH. Located in Geislingen, Germany, Thomas Preuhs GmbH manufactures a variety of electronic assemblies for solar and HVAC data systems, automotive and white goods products as well as electric drive systems.

Nordson Corporation

Model for Improvement of Fluxing Process on Selective Soldering Machines

Technical Library | 2017-05-25 17:07:39.0

Purpose of this research is to identify the factors that directly influence the effectiveness of the fluxing process in selective soldering machines, using the design of experiment methodology with associated factors and levels used in the experiment. Final findings gives directions for set up of the optimal fluxing parameters that will enable appropriate flux appliance and to gain reduction of soldering quality issues which foundations are from this process.

Visteon Electronics

How to Use the Right Flux for the Selective Soldering Application

Technical Library | 2017-05-17 22:33:43.0

The selective soldering application requires a combination of performance attributes that traditional liquid fluxes designed for wave soldering applications cannot fulfill. First, the flux deposition on the board needs to be carefully controlled. Proper fine tuning of the flux physicochemical characteristics combined with a process optimization are mandatory to strike the right balance between solderability and reliability. However, localization of the flux residue through the drop jet process is not enough to guarantee the expected performance level. The flux needs to be designed to minimize the impact of unavoidable spreading and splashing events.From this perspective a fundamental understanding of the relationships between formulation and reliability is critical. In this application, thermal history of the flux residues (from room temperature to solder liquidus) is a key performance driver. Finally, it is necessary to conduct statistically designed experiments on industrial selective soldering machines in order to map the relationships between flux characteristics and selective process friendliness.


Reduce Pollution of Process Gasses in an Air Reflow Oven

Technical Library | 2019-07-02 23:02:05.0

The introduction of lead-free solders resulted in a selection of different chemistries for solder pastes. The higher melting points of lead-free alloys required thermal heat resistant rosin systems and activators that are active at elevated temperatures. As a result, more frequent maintenance of the filtration systems is required and machine downtime is increased.Last year a different method of cleaning reflow ovens was introduced. Instead of cooling down the process gasses to condensate the residues, a catalyst was used to maintain the clean oven. Catalytic thermal oxidation of residues in the nitrogen atmosphere resulted in cleaner heating zones. The residues were transformed into carbon dioxide. This remaining small amount of char was collected in the catalyst. In air ovens the catalyst was not seen as a beneficial option because the air extracted out of the oven was immediately exhausted into the environment. When a catalyst is used in an air environment there is not only the carbon dioxide residues, but also water. When a catalyst is used in an air reflow oven the question is where the water is going to. Will it condensate in the process part of the oven or is the gas temperature high enough to keep it out of the process area? A major benefit of using a catalyst to clean the air before it is exhausted into the environment is that the air pollution is reduced dramatically. This will make environmental engineers happy and result in less pollution of our nature. Apart from this, the exhaust tubes remain clean which reduces the maintenance of air ovens.This paper will give more detailed information of catalyst systems during development and performance in production lines.

Vitronics Soltec


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