Technical Library: x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Page 1 of 1)

XRF Technology In The Field - XRF Technology For Non-Scientists

Technical Library | 2022-03-21 19:00:07.0

X-ray fluorescence (XRF): a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the chemical composition of materials XRF occurs when a fluorescent (or secondary) X-ray is emitted from a sample that is being excited by a primary X-ray source. Because this fluorescence is unique to the elemental composition of the sample, XRF is an excellent technology for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the material composition. XRF spectrometry has a broad range of applications in industry, which we will discuss later in this ebook.

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Coating Thickness Measurement of Thin Gold and Palladium Coatings on Printed Circuit Boards using X-Ray Fluorescence

Technical Library | 2013-05-30 17:33:26.0

This paper covers the following topics: The Measurement Application, Measurement Requirements, Measurement Problems, Measurement Results, Reference Samples, Conclusions

Fischer Technology, Inc.


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