Technical Library: yamaha and station (Page 1 of 1)

SMT Pick and Place Machine Feeder common types from KINGSUN

Technical Library | 2023-08-18 03:28:47.0

Today, KINGSUN shares with you the common types and classifications of SMT mounters. 一、According to the feeding method, common ones include: 1.Tape Feeder 2.Tray Feeder  3.Tube Feeder  4.Stick Feeder   5.Special Vibration Feeder 二、According to the classification of electric and non electric, the common ones are electric feeder and mechanical feeder. Yamaha's SIGMA SMT machines are all electric feeders, while many of JUKI's feeder are mechanical feeders...... Regarding feeders related knowledge, KINGSUN share with you here , hoping to be helpful to you. More information about Products please Contact US at or visit . "DONGGUAN KINGSUN AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD" is a leading SMT automation equipment factory provider in China. With many years of profound experience accumulation, we provides comprehensive solutions for global customers with strong resources and high-quality professional technical team.


SMT Placement Machine Nozzle Maintenance and Operation Instructions from KINGSUN

Technical Library | 2023-08-14 09:06:53.0

In the operation of SMT mounter, the process and integrity of the nozzle of the mounter will have a significant impact on the performance of the machine. As one of the important components of the SMT machine, it is necessary for us to carry out daily maintenance and upkeep of the SMT nozzle. To ensure that the suction nozzle of the SMT machine is intact before operation, how should we do a good job of maintaining the suction nozzle of the SMT machine during normal use? KINGSUN technical team analysis operation has the following main points: 1.Wipe the surface of the SMT nozzle with a dust-free cloth. 2.The small aperture nozzle can be passed through with a thin steel wire and then blown with an air gun. 3.The surface of the nozzle should not be soaked with corrosive solution such as alcohol, as this may cause the surface to fall off. 4.HOLDER should use a cotton swab to wipe the cavity and not damage the filter screen. 5.Regular addition of special grease to HOLDER claws. 6.According to production, it is best to regularly maintain and do other maintenance regularly. (* Suitable for Yamaha SMT machine nozzles , JUKI SMT machine nozzles, Samsung SMT machine nozzles, Panasonic SMT machine nozzles, Fuji SMT machine nozzles, Siemens SMT machine nozzles etc.) Regarding the SMT machine nozzle daily maintenance operation instructions, KINGSUN share with you here , hoping to be helpful to you. More information about Products please Contact US at or visit , thanks.


Moisture and Bubble-Free Material Preparation in Larger Quantities

Technical Library | 2018-09-10 08:44:08.0

Issue: Moisture and bubbles in your dispensing material with larger quantities Solution: Scheugenpflug’s 55-gal Barrel Agitator Station Barrel agitators for casting resins take their technology from the paint sector. They fall short of meeting the special demands of the auto, medical, aeronautics and electronics industries. They can’t guarantee a solid seal on the barrels – often containing expensive, moisture sensitive resins – allowing the humidity of the surrounding environment to damage the material. Also, conventional barrel agitators, as opposed to smaller units, cannot work in a vacuum to process materials directly.

Scheugenpflug Inc.

Increase Your Process Control and Lower Cost of Ownership

Technical Library | 2012-11-12 14:06:48.0

With consumers constantly looking for lower prices on their technology products and manufacturers trying to squeak out higher margins from their production lines, the need for process control and lower overhead costs have become even more important. One sector that is often overlooked is the hand soldering area of the factory. Many factories have been struggling with antiquated soldering systems for years. In some cases they are trying to make their investment in stations last much longer than they were designed for, or they are falsely trying to recoup their original investment ‐ all at the cost of higher operating expenses or even worse, reduced operator thru‐put.


Selective Soldering: A need for Innovation and Development

Technical Library | 2023-12-18 21:07:29.0

Selective soldering utilises a nozzle to apply solder to components on the underside of printed circuit boards (PCBs). This nozzle can be moved to either perform dips (depositing solder to a single component) or draws (applying solder to several components in a single movement). The selective soldering methodology thereby allows the process to be tailored to specific joints and allows multiple nozzle types to be used if required on the circuit board. Nozzles can vary by size (internal diameter) and shape (making them suitable for different process types). This is all dictated by board design and process requirements. Selection of the nozzle type is dependent upon the product to be soldered and the desired cycle time. Examples of different nozzle types are shown here. Hand-load selective systems must be programmed with the parameters for multiple solder joints. However, many in-line systems are designed to be modular. This modularity allows for multiple solder stations with different conditions/nozzles to achieve low cycle times. Figure 1 shows the two distinct types of selective soldering systems offered by Pillarhouse International Ltd.

Pillarhouse International Ltd.

Influence of Copper Conductor Surface Treatment for High Frequency PCB on Electrical Properties and Reliability

Technical Library | 2019-02-13 13:45:11.0

Development of information and telecommunications network is outstanding in recent years, and it is required for the related equipment such as communication base stations, servers and routers, to process huge amount of data in no time. As an electrical signal becomes faster and faster, how to prevent signal delay by transmission loss is a big issue for Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) loaded on such equipments. There are two main factors as the cause of transmission loss; dielectric loss and conductor loss. To decrease the dielectric loss, materials having low dielectric constant and low loss tangent have been developed. On the other hand, reducing the surface roughness of the copper foil itself to be used or minimizing the surface roughness by modifying surface treatment process of the conductor patterns before lamination is considered to be effective in order to decrease the conductor loss. However, there is a possibility that reduction in the surface roughness of the conductor patterns will lead to the decrease in adhesion of conductor patterns to dielectric resin and result in the deterioration of reliability of PCB itself. In this paper, we will show the evaluation results of adhesion performance and electrical properties using certain type of dielectric material for high frequency PCB, several types of copper foil and several surface treatment processes of the conductor patterns. Moreover, we will indicate a technique from the aspect of surface treatment process in order to ensure reliability and, at the same time, to prevent signal delay at the signal frequency over 20 GHz.

MEC Company Ltd.


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