Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
This machine is included in an online auction. Please visit the following website for more details on this machine.
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Make: Universal Instruments Model: Advantis 4982C Vintage: 2006 PEC Camera Single Beam Advanits – Lead Screw FlexJet 7 Spindle Head with 2.6 mil Camera Condition: Complete & Operational Location & Shipping: Nashua, NH / FOB Origin A
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Universal Advantis 4982C Placement machine 2006 Model 7 spindle Flexjet 1 head Qty 1 Flex head Camera- Front ULC Magellan 2.3 mil per pixel (upward-looking) Placement Count: 5 million Clean, checked out. Video available
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Becoming available soon: Universal Instruments Advantis SMT Pick and Place Model 4982C Product Tree: 50064103 ADC042 GSM FlexJet Windows O/S Contact Assured Technical Service for details Minneapolis, MN 55441 AssuredTechnicalServiceLLC@Gma
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Becoming available soon: Universal Instruments Advantis SMT Pick and Place Model 4982C Product Tree: 50064103 ADC041 Equipment Number 10086826 GSM FlexJet Windows O/S Counter: 64108828 Contact Assured Technical Service for details Minneap
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Universal Advantis 4982C (PTF Available) Model: AC-72 Year: 2006 S/N: 10086093 Component Mounter (07) Spindles, PWB (Max) 508mm x 457mm PWB (Min) 51mm x 51mm Tray Unit: (20) Trays All machines are tested and come with a 30 day warranty!
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Universal Advantis AC-72 (2004) Reject Belt: Yes Tape Cutter: No Under PCB Support: No PVS Bar Coding: Yes Placement Rate: 18000 components per hour Rail Width Control Type: Automatic Tray Unit/Tray Tower (MTC, PTF, WPC): Optional Nozzle cha
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Universal Advantis IBE SMT Inventory ID : 141023-002 Universal Serial Number : 10090862 Vintage : 2006 Hours : 21,000 Details Model: 4982-C Flex Jet 2.6 MPP with ANC Magellan 4.0 ULC Cycle Counter - 16,817,649 24 Volt
Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters
Universal Advantis 4982C (AC-72) Fine pitch component mounter S/N 10085811, Year: 2006, Single Gantry, FlexJet head (7 Spindles), Camera Types: Strobed RS170 (0.8 mil) and Strobed RS170 (2.6 mil), OS version Microsoft Windows 2000 Serv
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow
Multiple Vitronics XPM Reflow Ovens Available AUCTION ITEMS: Please see our site for details Also available in same auction: YJ Link Loader MPM UP3000, S/N U0908 Conveyor Universal 4688A GSMII, Communications issue please inspect Conveyo