Used SMT Equipment: autoprogram dual head (Page 1 of 38)

Universal Instruments 4688A

Universal Instruments 4688A

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

Universal 4688A SMT Pick & Place Approx. Dimensions: 86" x 66" x 60" Item Location: Laval, QC Canada Features: Dual Beam 4 Spindle Placement Head Per Beam

Baja Bid

Universal Instruments 4688A

Universal Instruments 4688A

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

Universal 4688A SMT Pick & Place Approx. Dimensions: 86" x 66" x 60" Item Location: Laval, QC Canada Features: Dual Beam 7 Spindle (FlexJet} Placement Heads Per Beam

Baja Bid

Mydata MY100-10

Mydata MY100-10

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Dual Head High Speed T4 Linescan Hydra system. Serial No: 100008 Location: Orlando, FL

Baja Bid

Europlacer iineo + !!

Europlacer iineo + !!

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Europlacer iineo + II Placement System; Dual Gantry; Twin Head; Date: 4/2019; Type: inneo; S/N 508; 23,248 on Counter; Trolleys and Elements Sold Separately

Baja Bid

Europlacer iineo + !!

Europlacer iineo + !!

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Europlacer iineo II Placement System; Dual Gantry; Twin Head; 2016; Type: iineo; S/N 315; 34,607 on Counter; Trolleys and Elements Sold Separately

Baja Bid

Mydata MY100DX-10

Mydata MY100DX-10

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Features: S/W: 2.8.1f Dual Vision Camera Agilis Capable Electrical Two-Pole Test Electrical Transistor Test Optical Centering Z High Speed (Midas Head) Autoteach Linescan for Z Hydra Condition: Complete & Operational

Baja Bid

Vitronics Delta 5

Vitronics Delta 5

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave

This machine will be coming available for purchase. Our end-user customer does not have a set price for this item. They have told us to forward them all offers. Please contact for more information. Features: Version V4.6

Baja Bid

Ersa Versaflow 3/45

Ersa Versaflow 3/45

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

This machine will be coming available for purchase soon. Our end-user customer does not have a set price for this item. They have told us to forward them all offers. Please contact for more information. Features: Version

Baja Bid

Manncorp MC-389CY-F3-V

Manncorp MC-389CY-F3-V

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

MC389CY-F3-V MC-389 High-Speed, High-Mix Pick & Place WITH CONVEYOR Heavy-duty, welded steel base frame w/ adjustable foot pads High-precision ball screw X-Y drive mechanism w/ linear encoders Three pick and place heads, each with servo-drive

Baja Bid

Manncorp MC-389

Manncorp MC-389

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Heavy-duty, welded steel base frame w/ adjustable foot pads High-precision ball screw X-Y drive mechanism w/ linear encoders Three pick and place heads, each with servo-driven Z- and ?-axis motors Standard on-the-fly vision alignment cameras for c

Baja Bid

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autoprogram dual head searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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