Used SMT Equipment: board moisture (Page 1 of 1)

Fujikura FSM-70R KIT

Fujikura FSM-70R KIT

Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers

Fujikura FSM-70R KIT Fusion Splicer Features Automated and programmable wind protector 40-second automated tube heater Fully ruggedized for shock, dust and moisture Li-ion battery with 110 splices/shrinks per charge On-board training and

Test Equipment Connection

Fujikura FSM-70R KIT

Fujikura FSM-70R KIT

Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers

Fujikura FSM-70R KIT Fusion Splicer Features Automated and programmable wind protector 40-second automated tube heater Fully ruggedized for shock, dust and moisture Li-ion battery with 110 splices/shrinks per charge On-board training and

Test Equipment Connection

Hexi Wave solder machine with nitrogen

Hexi Wave solder machine with nitrogen

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave

this type can be added with nitrogen protection system 1 Flux spraying system 1.1 Spray fluxer can sense the board size automatically, and the spraying area can be adjusted according to the width of PCB. 1.2 Spray fluxer can sense the conveyor

Hexi Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd

Asymtek C-740

Asymtek C-740

Used SMT Equipment | Coating and Encapsulation

Asymtek C-740 Century Series Conformal Coating System The Century® C-740 Series Selective Conformal Coating system provides consistent, uniform dispensing of a variety of conformal coating materials for inline coating applications. The system v

Recon Inc


board moisture searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Selective Soldering Nozzles

High Throughput Reflow Oven
SMT feeders

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PCB Handling Machine with CE

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PCB Depanelizers

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