Used SMT Equipment: cp40 adjust blow (Page 1 of 1)

Smart Sonic 1550 Stencil Washer with Closed Loop Enviroguard-STD

Smart Sonic 1550 Stencil Washer with Closed Loop Enviroguard-STD

Used SMT Equipment | Stencil Cleaners

Smart Sonic 1550 Ultrasonic Stencil / Pallet Cleaner Includes: EnviroGuard-STD Closed Loop System Vintage: 2014 Lightly Used – Prototype Lab Use Stainless Steel Construction Cleans up to 29” x 29” stencils 2 minute cleaning cy

Assured Technical Service LLC

Ersa ETS-250

Ersa ETS-250

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave

- Machine is available at any time, - Foam fluxer, - Single wave (laminar), - 3pcs of frame included, - Working condition. - YOM - 1995. It is filled with SN100C (106 kg) and we can provide report of test on the purity of the alloy. Equipmen



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