Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
1999 DEK 265LT Screen Printer - WATCH VIDEO LINK(S) - Power: 110V; 37A; 60Hz Serial: 272832 Features: O/S: MS DOS 6.22; S/W: 04.02
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
1996 DEK 265 GS(X) Screen Printer Power: 110 VAC; 37A; 60Hz; 1 Phase Machine Dimensions: 52" x 57" x 58" (excluding light tower Serial: 171247 78881 01 Features: Green Camera Upgrade Stencil Wipe Feature Auto-Flex Tool
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
Input Power: 120VAC Features: Silver Camera, Understencil Wipe(dry, wet, or vacuum) , 29”x29” Stencil, Edge Clamp, set of squeeges with blades Soft Copy of User Manual, Technical Manuals and Diagrams Complete and Operational 30 Day Parts Excha
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
Brand New in Box Dek 265 12 Volt Power Supply. DEK part# 112527, Hitron Model# HSH180C-11(S). For any questions please contact 4Tech Electronics at 313-532-9400 or
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
Old one but in good condition. WORKING. + YOM unknown. + squeegees not included + nominal frame size 736x736mm + stencil cleaning wet and dry + hoover included Documentation is available on demand. Machine is available any time - for pick u
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
Dek 265 Horizon with Green 2d inspection camera and gridlock tooling. 29x29 frame + 20x20 adapter Touch screen monitor 120v Fair to good condition. 2000 vintage Comes with a second Dek 265 Horizon for parts (Everything is there and could
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
Manufacturer: DEK Model Number: 265EX Serial Number: 228072 Input Power: 220V Vintage: 1997 Features: Black Camera, Auto Paste Dispense, Understencil Wipe, 29" x 29" Stencil Asset Number: 5506
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
WATCH our printers in action NOW on our website under VIDEOS DEK Model 265LT printers in outstanding condition! Some features of these machines include: * 2D Inspection * Green Camera * Under Stencil Cleaner for up to 18" cleaning
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
DEK Horizon Specs: DEK HORIZON Screen Printer D.O.M.:2000 S/N:274691 Top Clamp Board Hold down, Wet/Dry/Vacuum wiper, Pin Support tooling, and External Vacuum Pump Location:Chicago, IL Machine being auctioned off June 12th - 14th at the
Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers
Description: The Agilent 83595A RF plug-in provides a 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz broadband coaxial swept frequency source for the Agilent 8350B sweep oscillator mainframe. Applications include scalar network analysis, serving as a local oscillator for down