Used SMT Equipment: dps (Page 1 of 1)

Teradyne IP750EMP

Teradyne IP750EMP

Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers

Teradyne IP750EMP Image Sensor Test System Teradyne IP750EMP Tester includes IPC *4 plus Workstation. The Teradyne IP750EMP is the second generation image sensor tester from Teradyne, offering faster capture and processing of image sensor tes

Test Equipment Connection

Teradyne IP750EMP

Teradyne IP750EMP

Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers

Teradyne IP750EMP Image Sensor Test System Teradyne IP750EMP Tester includes IPC *4 plus Workstation. The Teradyne IP750EMP is the second generation image sensor tester from Teradyne, offering faster capture and processing of image sensor tes

Test Equipment Connection

Europlacer IINEO 2

Europlacer IINEO 2

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

EUROPLACER - iineo 2T - Automatic SMT Placement System - Vintage : 2013 (29 897 hours)- Dimensions (L x l x H) : 2915 x 1700 x 1660 mm - Standard in line conveyor- PCB dimensions (L x l) : 500 x 460 mm- Manual width adjustment conveyor - Dual X - Y p



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