Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
ONLY 9000 hours on the clock. U N B E L I E V A B L E good condition. Recently had the yearly maintenance carried out. INCLUDED are the following feeders: 40x 8mm, 5x 12mm, 4x 16mm, 2x 24mm Available around October, can be seen in production rig
Used SMT Equipment | Conveyors
2012 ASYS TRM 02 SMT Edge Belt Pass / Inspect Conveyor, 110VAC L to R Board Flow. Additional Board Handling Equipment available from Assured Technical, please inquire. FOB: Origin MN USA Contact: From th
Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers
Rohde & Schwarz HE300 Portable directional antenna for tracing signal transmitters and interference sources In conjunction with portable receivers (e.g. R&S PR100) the R&S HE300 is used for localizing transmitting and interfering sources. The d
Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Test & Measurement
Rohde & Schwarz ESIB26 20 Hz to 26.5 GHz EMI Test Receiver The ESIB family of EMI test receivers combines the flexibility and speed of spectrum analyzers with the large dynamic range required for EMI measurements in conformance with standards.
Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Test & Measurement
The Hydra Series is extremely rugged and able to operate in diverse environments. Its operating range is 0 to 60C, and it is tested to stringent shock and vibration standards. Hydra's sturdy metal chassis effectively shields against electromagnetic i
Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers
Aeroflex IFR FB100A Aeroflex-IFR FB100A BER Test System The FB100A is a modular, expandable, high data rate BER (Bit Error Rate) test system. With operation from DC to 160 Mb/s, serial and/or parallel data interfacing and INSTALOK synchroniz
Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers
Aeroflex IFR FB100A Aeroflex-IFR FB100A BER Test System The FB100A is a modular, expandable, high data rate BER (Bit Error Rate) test system. With operation from DC to 160 Mb/s, serial and/or parallel data interfacing and INSTALOK synchroniz
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Although there is no question that the MYDATA Agilis feeders are nice indeed, at about $12, 000.00 each for a loaded 8mm magazine make them very pricey. These TM feeders on the other hand are very affordable and fit the bill just fine where pick up a
Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers
Anritsu MD8470A The MD8470A Signaling Tester offers the optimum solution for mobile UE application development. It supports the processes required for various application developments such as voice calling, packet communications including browser
Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers
Anritsu MD8470A The MD8470A Signaling Tester offers the optimum solution for mobile UE application development. It supports the processes required for various application developments such as voice calling, packet communications including browser