Used SMT Equipment | Board Cleaners
Speedline Technologies AquaJet Stencil Batch Cleaner and Resys ClosedLoop System For Sale The wash needs a control board. (Part Description: BL1700 CNTRL 16IN 16OUT) The Part Number to Purchase this board is 20-101-0214. Estimated cost is $349. We h
Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Equipment
Description: This is a brand new, SMTmax QM1000 Stand Alone Automatic Pick and Place Machine. 2000 estimated pph(parts per hour). Placement of 0402 standard (upgrade for smaller parts). Computer vision automatic centering system for IC's (SOP, QFP,
Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Equipment
Description: This is a brand new, SMTmax QM1000 Stand Alone Automatic Pick and Place Machine. 2000 estimated pph(parts per hour). Placement of 0402 standard (upgrade for smaller parts). Computer vision automatic centering system for IC's (SOP,
Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment
Video demonstration: • One Y-direction servo motor, rather than two, overcomes misalignment problem; air actuate feeders instead head-punch in advance feeders • 3000-3500 estimated pph(parts per hour) • 21
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective
Used DDM Novastar Selective Solder Machine in excellent working condition. Convert your hand soldering to automated selective soldering with this machine and achieve greater throughput, accuracy, and reliability! System Benefits & Features: &
Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment
HEPCO Model 3000-2 Single-Stroke Pneumatic Operation with Easily Interchangeable Dies Durable, Accurate, Maintenance Free, Simple to Use, Efficient, Versatile Die changes in under 1 minute Steel base for extremely long life Large v
Used SMT Equipment | Coating and Encapsulation
Asymtek C-740 Century Series Conformal Coating System The Century® C-740 Series Selective Conformal Coating system provides consistent, uniform dispensing of a variety of conformal coating materials for inline coating applications. The system v
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