Used SMT Equipment: loctitie stencil 0402 (Page 1 of 1)

DEK Horizon 03i Printer

DEK Horizon 03i Printer

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

DEK Horizon 03i automatic stencil printer Specification : DEK Horizon 03i High Precision Automatic Solder Paste Printer designed for high precision steel mesh printing or stencil printing in SMT industry. Printing PCB size: 50x50mm to 508x510mm;


Samsung HPX-1300S

Samsung HPX-1300S

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

echnical Details/ Specificatiotns  - SQ Left to Right printing - Compatible with the 1240mm Lamp PCB - 2.0 Cpk @ ±25㎛ - Stencil Align & PCB Up/Down - One Click, All-Axis Auto Align - Paste Fall Improvement - 0402, Mega (



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