Used SMT Equipment: nxr 1400i (Page 1 of 1)

Nicolet NXR 1400i

Nicolet NXR 1400i

Used SMT Equipment | X-Ray Inspection

X-Ray Source: 20-120kv (side window) Focal Spot Size 10-60 microns (auto adjusting with power) Image Detector Type: 4" Image Instensifier Magnification: Up to 175X System Windows NT Ver. 4.0, 64 RAM Software: AIP II Ver. 1.5.2 beta (ADVANCED X-R

Tekmart International Inc.

Nicolet NXR-1400iHR

Nicolet NXR-1400iHR

Used SMT Equipment | X-Ray Inspection

This Fully refurbished and tested to original factory specifications NXR-1400iHR is ready for production quality control or offline quality assurance and rework verification. System includes: Sample HAndling: 18" x 24" Footprint: 72" (H) x 62"( W) x

MatriX Technologies GmbH

Nicolet NXR-1400i

Nicolet NXR-1400i

Used SMT Equipment | X-Ray Inspection

This is a factpry refurbished unit in February 2014, offered with 90 dyas parts and 30 days labor warranty The NXR-1400i x-ray inspection system for production quality assurance, failure analysis and rework verification. System includ

MatriX Technologies GmbH


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