Used SMT Equipment: panasonic bm221 password information (Page 1 of 1)

Panasonic SP60 CM212 CM202DS MSRXL TH132XL BM123 BM221

Used SMT Equipment | SMD Placement Machines

We have many Panasonic used machines in the warehouse,CM402.CM212.CM202DS,SP28.SP60.BM123.BM221.TH132.MSRXL.MSF If you need  the further information please feel free to contact us as We give you support of the professional servi

Shanghai Shihua Engineering Industry CO.LTD

Panasonic NPM/CM602/CM402L/BM231/BM221

Panasonic NPM/CM602/CM402L/BM231/BM221

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

We have 4 units CM602L A2/D0(Heads 12+12 and 8+3 wuth Tray) ,2 units CM402L(12+12 heads,8+8 heads)  ,One CM402M(12+12 Heads),NPM-D3 NPM-W in the warehouse in Shanghai China.Order for two DT401F(2013 with Tray) and two CM212M(8+8) They are working con

Shanghai Shihua Engineering Industry CO.LTD

Panasonic CM402L-A type/BM231,221/CM301/CM212

Panasonic CM402L-A type/BM231,221/CM301/CM212

Used SMT Equipment | SMD Placement Machines

CM402L/7 units and CM212M A type with four cats and 8+8 head,We have two set in the warehouse.We also have BM231/BM221/CM301. If you need more information please contact with me at

Shanghai Shihua Engineering Industry CO.LTD


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