Used SMT Equipment: philips assembleon ax5 (Page 1 of 8)

Assembleon AX301/AX5/AX501

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Assembleon AX machines need  Ax3, AX301, AX5, AX501 AX502 if got any used SMT,machine, Pth machines  or AOI,SPI, X-Ray machines for selling , pls contact steven wong :

HongCheng import & Export co.,Ltd

Assembleon AX301/AX5/AX501

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Assembleon AX machines need  Ax3, AX301, AX5, AX501 AX502 if got any used SMT,machine, Pth machines  or AOI,SPI, X-Ray machines for selling , pls contact steven wong :

HongCheng import & Export co.,Ltd

Assembleon AX301/AX5/AX501

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Assembleon AX machines need  Ax3, AX301, AX5, AX501 AX502 if got any used SMT,machine, Pth machines  or AOI,SPI, X-Ray machines for selling , pls contact steven wong :

HongCheng import & Export co.,Ltd

Philips Assembleon Emerald - x II Inline Pick and Place Machine

Philips Assembleon Emerald - x II Inline Pick and Place Machine

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Upgrade of opel to 8 head, 1 x line array camera with fore and side light system for component alignment (45mm) 1 x moving area CCD camera for fiducial alignment equipped with automatic light adjustment, double shuttle LCS 4 nozzles (1 x nozzle 62A,


Philips Assembleon Opal - X1II Inline

Philips Assembleon Opal - X1II Inline

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Eight heads, 13.9K/17.7K (IPC9850/ rate 01005 (0402)-45 mm sq. (1.8'' sq.) fine pitch, accuracy 35 microns @ 3 sigma, 100mm long connections, 8 nozzles (2x nozzle 71, 72, 73 1 x nozzle 74, 76A), 50 position feeder bar with valves front and rear side,


Philips AX ITF3 8mm feeder

Philips AX ITF3 8mm feeder

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Brand New Assembleon / Philips AX series Feeder (AX201, AX301, AX5, AX501) 8mm Feeder ~ 50 pcs        

CS Technology

Philips AX3, AX301, AX5, AX501

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

We are looking for the Philip AX3, AX301, AX5 and AX501. Any Vintage.

Guildford Tech Trading

Assembleon AX5

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

WANTED: Assembleon AX5 Machine. 10 std heads, Prodrive controllers. Please quote to

KVMS SMT Equipment Services Supplies

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