Used SMT Equipment: reflow oven mesh belt (Page 1 of 34)

Vitronics XPM2-1240 Reflow Oven

Vitronics XPM2-1240 Reflow Oven

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

Edge Rail No Mesh Belt Notes: The system does not have a controller. CPU damage Fan speed controller damage Motor conveyor damage Serial: X2N120009 Features: Dimensions: 239" x 57" x 70"

Baja Bid

Vitronics XPM3m 1030 Reflow Oven

Vitronics XPM3m 1030 Reflow Oven

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

OS: Windows 7 SW: 5.0.6 Edge Rails Mesh Belt Serial: 15.0100202N Features: Dimensions: 232" x 64" x 71"

Baja Bid

Vitronics XPM3i 1030 Reflow Oven

Vitronics XPM3i 1030 Reflow Oven

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

Edge Rails Mesh Belt Notes: Fan speed controller damage CPU damage Serial: RI-X3N1046000 Features: Dimensions: 230" x 58" x 69"

Baja Bid

Electrovert Omni 7

Electrovert Omni 7

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

2003 Electrovert Omni 7 Reflow Oven Dimensions: 195" L x 55" W x 58" H Serial: RK-1125494-01 Features: Edge Rail Mesh Belt Left To Right Item Location: Tampa, FL USA

Baja Bid

Heller 1809 EXL

Heller 1809 EXL

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

Make:  Heller Model: 1809 EXL Features: OS: WIndows XP Software: 4.01.8 Left to Right Auto Lube Mesh Belt Dual Edge Rail Reflow Oven Location: Camarillo, CA USA

Baja Bid

Heller 1800 EXL

Heller 1800 EXL

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

Make:  Heller Model: 1800 EXL Features: OS: Windows XP SW: 4.01.8 Right to Left Auto Lube Mesh Belt Dual Edge Rail Reflow Oven Location: Camarillo, CA USA

Baja Bid

BTU 125N

BTU 125N

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

2010 BTU 125N Reflow Oven Features: Left to Right o Nitrogen Option o Edge Rail o Mesh Belt o SMEMA

Baja Bid

Electrovert Omniflex 10

Electrovert Omniflex 10

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

2007 Electrovert Omniflex 10 Reflow Oven Features: Left to Right o Nitrogen Option o Edge Rail o Mesh Belt o SMEMA

Baja Bid

Vitronics SMR-820N

Vitronics SMR-820N

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

1996 Vitronics SMR-820N Reflow Oven Approx. Dimensions: 212" x 53" x 60" Item Location: Laval, QC Canada Serial: U80313 Features: Left to Right Edge Rail Mesh Belt

Baja Bid

BTU Paragon 150

BTU Paragon 150

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

BTU Paragon 150 Reflow Oven Approx. Dimensions: 256" x 60" x 72" Item Location: Laval, QC Canada Features: Left to Right Edge Rail Mesh Belt

Baja Bid

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