Used SMT Equipment: screen printing equipment (Page 1 of 55)

MPM UltraPrint 3000

MPM UltraPrint 3000

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

MPM UltraPrint 3000 Vintage: 2001 Features: Auto Pin Support Under Stencil Wipe Auto Stencil Load New RheoPump Upward & Downward Fiducial Cameras Includes Comprehensive Spares Kit

Baja Bid

Speedprint SP700

Speedprint SP700

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

This 2013 SpeedPrint SP700 AVI Screen Printer has recently become available for purchase. Please contact with any interest.

Baja Bid

Speedline UP 2000 Hi E

Speedline UP 2000 Hi E

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

  2002 Speedline UP 2000 Hi E Screen Printer   Refurbished by OEM in 2006   Serial: 21223   Features: Cognex 5000; 4 Axis Motion Control; Tactile Sensor; Pass Through Conveyor; 2D Post Print Inspection; Y Snuggers; Vacuum Stencil Wiper;

Baja Bid

ASM Siemens NeoHorizon 03iX Screen Printer

ASM Siemens NeoHorizon 03iX Screen Printer

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

This equipment has been barely used and is in "Like New" condition.

Baja Bid

MPM UP3000/A

MPM UP3000/A

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

MPM-COOKSON, Serigraphic printing machine, type SPEEDLINE ULTRAPRINT 3000 - UP 3000/A, s.n. UO826/RF, with contrast support pins, online automatic frame cleaning (paper and solvent), double center camera 2D ( fiducial control 2D paste inspection), in

Baja Bid

DEK Horizon 01

DEK Horizon 01

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

2003 DEK Horizon 01 Screen Printer *** Note: This lot contains two items. (1) DEK Horizon 01 Screen Printer (1) DEK VF35 Vacuum System Approx Dimensions: 70" x 70" x 68" Location: Jasper, IN USA Serial: 281505 Features: o Advantec 2.05 Computer syste

Baja Bid

Speedline AP Excel

Speedline AP Excel

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

This equipment is located in our upcoming STS Online Auction - February 25 - 28, 2019

Baja Bid

DEK Horizon 01i

DEK Horizon 01i

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

Make: DEK Model: Horizon 01i Description: Screen Printer Vintage: 2006 This equipment is available for sale in Baja Bid's online SMT auction. For more information please visit

Baja Bid

Ekra X5

Ekra X5

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

This equipment is located in our upcoming Nypro / Jabil Online Auction. Please select the below link for more details.

Baja Bid

Ekra XACT4

Ekra XACT4

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

This equipment is located in our upcoming Nypro / Jabil Online Auction. Please select the below link for more details.

Baja Bid

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