Used SMT Equipment: seho spare part plm730 (Page 1 of 1)

SEHO Powerwave 8440

SEHO Powerwave 8440

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave

2006 SEHO PowerWave 8440. Will sell it for $10,000 without solder. Currently in operation and will come with a new nozzle and spare parts. The machine is setup for 400VAC @ 100 amps and I can supply a 480VAC to 400VAC transformer with the machine if

Altek Electronics, Inc.

SEHO Powerwave 8440

SEHO Powerwave 8440

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave

2006 SEHO PowerWave 8440. Will sell it for $10,000 without solder. Currently in operation and will come with a new nozzle and spare parts. The machine is setup for 400VAC @ 100 amps and I can supply a 480VAC to 400VAC transformer with the machine if

Altek Electronics, Inc.


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