Used SMT Equipment: strip 20pcs printer (Page 1 of 1)

Teradyne 8855 Spectrum

Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers

1 - VP Card 1 - Prism Card 1 - Deltascan Card 3 - VP Extender Cards 40 - CC2 Cards 2 - DUT Power Supplies 1 - Shorting Plate 1 - PC (includes keyboard, mouse and display) 1 - Strip Printer

Lewis & Clark

Assembleon Complete SMT line

Assembleon Complete SMT line

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

  We have available complete running line including DEK ELA Fully auto printer (2004), FCM Multiflex (2003) and Vitronics XPM820 (2002) Lead Free reflow oven. The line is currently in production. FCM Multiflex includes:   60x8mm Feeders   1

PROSEM Technology India Private Ltd

MPM MPM UP2000 Hie

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

Siemens Siplace HS50,S23HM,S20,F5,F3 for sales immediately Dear All:   My own SMT factory have the following SMT machines for immediately sales, all of the machines and accessories are working condition: 1#, Printer:  MPM UP2000 Hie   2 sets  

Zhu Hai Xie Chuang Electronics Co.Ltd

Heller Heller 1800

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

Siemens Siplace HS50,S23HM,S20,F5,F3 for sales immediately Dear All:   My own SMT factory have the following SMT machines for immediately sales, all of the machines and accessories are working condition: 1#, Printer:  MPM UP2000 Hie   2 sets  

Zhu Hai Xie Chuang Electronics Co.Ltd

Zevac YWTD lead free oven

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave

Siemens Siplace HS50,S23HM,S20,F5,F3 for sales immediately Dear All:   My own SMT factory have the following SMT machines for immediately sales, all of the machines and accessories are working condition: 1#, Printer:  MPM UP2000 Hie   2 sets  

Zhu Hai Xie Chuang Electronics Co.Ltd

Fuji CP743E

Fuji CP743E

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

(3) Fuji CP743E Chipshooters; 2003 - 2004 vintage. All consigned into the High Technology Exchange on March 12-14 on List of additional equipment includes: TEST AND MEASUREMENT: Advantest Spectrum Analyzers Rhode and Schwa

X-Line Asset Management

Ekra X5 Professional

Ekra X5 Professional

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

Description: Automatic Screenprinter, Color: grey / light grey, Clamping 400 mm, printing area max. 508 x 508 mm; operating system WIN 7 Professional 32 Bit, EKRA unser interface ESP001-416 FULLY REFURBISHED  IN 2019! Special Equipment:


Siemens HS50,S23HM,S20,F5,F3

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

Siemens Siplace HS50,S23HM,S20,F5,F3 for sales immediately Dear All:   My own SMT factory have the following SMT machines for immediately sales, all of the machines and accessories are working condition: 1#, Printer:  MPM UP2000 Hie   2 sets  

Zhu Hai Xie Chuang Electronics Co.Ltd

Siemens HS50,S23HM,S20,F5,F3

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

Siemens Siplace HS50,S23HM,S20,F5,F3 for sales immediately Dear All:   My own SMT factory have the following SMT machines for immediately sales, all of the machines and accessories are working condition: 1#, Printer:  MPM UP2000 Hie   2 sets  

Zhu Hai Xie Chuang Electronics Co.Ltd

Assembleon ASSEMBLEON OPAL-IIX PA 1314/03

Assembleon ASSEMBLEON OPAL-IIX PA 1314/03

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Hazlow Electronics, Inc has the follow three units for sale.  We would like these 3 units to be sold as a group and will give substantial financial consideration to the company making an offer to purchase them as a group.  Please note that the units



strip 20pcs printer searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

SMT feeders

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
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PCB Handling Machine with CE

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Voidless Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
High Throughput Reflow Oven

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