Used SMT Equipment: svs pro (Page 1 of 1)

Samsung EXCEN-PRO high speed chip mounter parameters

Samsung EXCEN-PRO high speed chip mounter parameters

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

Product Name: Samsung EXCEN-PRO Product number: Samsung EXCEN-PRO Detailed product introduction Samsung EXCEN-PRO high speed chip mounter parameters EXCEN is equipped with 16 suction nozzles, rotary head of the high-speed modular chip mounter, it


Samsung original EXCEN-PRO

Samsung original EXCEN-PRO

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

Product Name: Samsung EXCEN-PRO Product number: Samsung EXCEN-PRO Detailed product introduction Samsung EXCEN-PRO high speed chip mounter parameters EXCEN is equipped with 16 suction nozzles, rotary head of the high-speed modular chip mounter, it


Assembleon AX501

Assembleon AX501

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

  Assembléon AX501 (2 units available) 2005 and 2009 Configured with 13 heads. All equipped with laser. 2 head also equipped with Camera Always maintained by the OEM. Last yearly maintenance: November 2010.   Optional: - Trolleys with

KEERS Technologies


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