Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
OS: Windows XP Lightning Feature Cycle Count: MODA (A1) 83999286 (D1)87597261 MODB (A1)72481647 (D1)71314204 Notes: Note: The system will not power up. Main Unit Damage Switch front door Missing Power supply 5V,12V
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Model: Genesis GC-120 4991F Vintage: 2011 Details: • Windows XP Operating System • Lightning Feature • Counter: MODA (A1) 83999286 (D1) 87597261 • Counter: MODB (A1) 72481647 (D1)71314204 Please contact
Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment
Universal machine for sales : Advantis x 2 sets Genesis GX11, GI14 x 5 sets GC60 x 2 sets GC120 x 2 sets
Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment
Universal GC120 x 3 Universal GC60 x 1 Universal Genesis x 3 Universal Advantis x 1 For sales / rental
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Universal Genesis Quad GC-120Q 4991C Placement Machine (2007) Brand: Universal Instruments Corporation Model: Genesis Quad GC-120Q 4991C Product Code: 4991C Year: 2007 Serial #: 10093182 Product Tree #: 50835803 Placement Side A Head A1: 827
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