Used SMT Equipment: universal instruments gsm 12mm feeder (Page 1 of 23)

Universal Instruments GSM2

Universal Instruments GSM2

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Universal GSM2 SMT Pick and Place Serial: 4681A08640-6-45955404

Baja Bid

Universal Instruments GSM 2 SMT Line

Universal Instruments GSM 2 SMT Line

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Seller will consider all reasonable offers Please Visit link for details (1) Universal GSM 2 SMT Pick & Place Machine * reference lot 2 in this auction for more details * (2) Lots of Universal SMT Feeders * reference lots 3 & 4 in this auction f

Baja Bid

Universal Instruments ION Feeders

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Wer have an urgent need for the following items. Any vintage will be considered.   Qty. 50 8mm Dual Lane ion Tape Feeder   Qty. 50 8MM DL 7" Ion Dual Reel Holder                 Qty. 25 (12mm feeders) 12MM SL ION TAPE FEEDER   Qty. 25 12/16MM SL 7-15

Baja Bid

Universal Instruments Fuzion 8mm and 12mm feeders

Used SMT Equipment | Assembly Accessories

Available Universal Fuzion Feeders 8mm and 12mm Feeders.   Tested and Refurbished with warranty.


Universal Instruments GSM, HSP

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Available for sale. HSP 4796 feeder 180 Plastic HSP 4796 feeder 6 Paper HSP 4796 feeder 31 1208 HSP 4796 feeder 26 1608 HSP 4796 feeder 53 P0804 HSP 4796 feeder 1 2412 HSP 4796 feeder 7 1204 HSP 4797 feeder 8 1612 HSP 4797 feeder 3 E1612 H

Salescon Ltd.

Universal Instruments GSM2

Universal Instruments GSM2

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

in good condition. Please contact for more information Thanks Robi


Universal Instruments GSM 4681

Universal Instruments GSM 4681

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Universal GSM Pick and Place Model Number: R4681ABE3629 Serial Number: 10054056 4 Spindle Head Includes Various Size Feeders Good Working Condition Location: Boston, MA

1st Place Machinery Inc.

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