Used SMT Equipment: universal instruments multi-mod ii (Page 1 of 5)

Universal Instruments 6412F

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

Cycle Rate Max 25,000 cph (0.14 sec. per insertion) Reliability 200 ppm or better Component Types Capacitors, resistors, diodes, jumper wire, etc. Component Specs Component Class I Distance Between Tapes 52.4mm +/- 1.5mm (2.063” +/- 0.059”) Pit


Universal Instruments Multi-Mod II

Universal Instruments Multi-Mod II

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

Universal Instruments Multi-Mod II. Dual head. .300 20 pin DIP/ .600 40 pin DIP tooling. No socket tooling. Recently removed from production. Plenty of spare parts. Exec program and software included.

Assured Technical Service LLC

Universal Instruments 6772 Multi-Mod II DIP Inserter

Universal Instruments 6772 Multi-Mod II DIP Inserter

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

Broome Rebuild Low Insertion Counts EMC Workboard, PC Included 24 pin .300, 40 pin .600 tooling Will be completely checked out prior to ship Installation available

SMT Surplus, LLC

Universal Instruments Multi Mod II R 6772A DIP Inser

Universal Instruments Multi Mod II R 6772A DIP Inser

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

UIC Multi Mod II DIP Insertion Machine Model: R6772A Last installed in 2017, OEM Refurbished prior to that. Standard 300 / 600 Tooling Dual Head Contact Assured Technical Service LLC for details. Minneapolis MN 55441 AssuredTechicalServiceLLC@

Assured Technical Service LLC

Universal Instruments 6772A Multi Mod DIP Inserter

Universal Instruments 6772A Multi Mod DIP Inserter

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

Universal Multi Mod DIP Inserter. 300/600 tooling   24 pin and 40 pin Please contact us for pictures and specifications. Thank you, Ed

Assured Technical Service LLC

Universal Instruments VCD & Multi Mod

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

Looking to get rid of our vintage Multi Mod and VCD machines. They do run, need some work/maintenance, quit a few parts, some that are pretty rare. Please contact me if interesed.


Universal Instruments 6348

Universal Instruments 6348

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

Universal Instruments 6348 Radial II available with 40 stations. Also available with a VCD 6287, Sequencer 2596 and Multi-Mod II.

Assured Technical Service LLC

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