Used SMT Equipment: x axis counting error (Page 1 of 2)

Koh Young SPI KY8030-3

Koh Young SPI KY8030-3

Used SMT Equipment | SPI / Solder Paste Inspection

Solder paste thickness detector Measurement software: MC-110-2.5D video observation, image storage, thickness measurement, data recording, background light, laser brightness control, area (square Shape, irregular polygon, circle) / volume / spacin

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Koh Young KY8030 2XL

Koh Young KY8030 2XL

Used SMT Equipment | SPI / Solder Paste Inspection

KOH YONG/SPI KY8030 2XL MACHINE KY8030-2XL MC-110-2.5D video observation, image storage, thickness measurement, data recording, background light, laser brightness control, area (square, irregular polygon, circle)/volume/spacing (X, Y axis)/angle

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Universal Instruments 6295A

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

  Manufacturer: Universal Instruments Model Number: 6295A Description: Dual Head Axial Inserter Input Power: 220V, 6.25 Amp, 50Hz, 80 Psi Features: 8222 Controller, Board Error Correction (BEC), Standard Tooling, 18" x 18" Rotary Table In

Electronic Automation Services Inc.

Universal Instruments 6295A

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

  Manufacturer: Universal Instruments Model Number: 6295A Description: Dual Head Axial Inserter Input Power: 220V, 50Hz, 80Psi, 6.5Amp, Single Phase Features: 8222 Controller, Stand Alone, Standard Tooling,  18 x18 Rotary Table, Board Error

Electronic Automation Services Inc.

chimall SMD Chip Counter

chimall SMD Chip Counter

Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Equipment

APPLICATIONS By using the principle of photoelectric sense, C-2000 Series SMD Counter can take the advantage of the relations between the sprocket holes and the parts and count the SMD parts accurately and quickly. It is the high-efficient auxilia


Universal Instruments 6241A

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

  Manufacturer: Universal Instruments Model Number: 6241A Serial Number: 05872-7-41941610 Description: Axial/Sequencer Combo Input Power: 120V, Single Phase, 60Hz, 15 Amp, 80 PSI, 7.5 SCFM Features:  Stand Alone, Refire for all Heads, Sta

Electronic Automation Services Inc.

Universal Instruments 6772A

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

  Manufacturer: Universal Instruments Model Number: 6772A Serial Number: 23000-1-46951901 Description: Multi Mod Dip Inserter Input Power: 120V, 60Hz, 90Psi, 15Amp, 15SCFM Features: J-11 Controller, Stand Alone, .300/.600 20PIN/40PIN, 18"

Electronic Automation Services Inc.

Universal Instruments 6360E

Universal Instruments 6360E

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

Manufacturer: Universal Instruments Model Number: 6360E Serial Number: 007386416241624910 Description: Radial 5 Inserter Input Power: Input Power: 120V, Single Phase, 60 Hz, 15 Amp, 90 PSI, 15 SCFM Features: 18" x 18"  Rotary Tabl

Electronic Automation Services Inc.

Siemens 00117100 F4

Siemens 00117100 F4

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

SIEMENS F4 Type: SIPLACE 80 F4 Machine number: 00117100 Serial No: 364-9650 Year: 1998 Cycle count: 89679499 Type of Nozzle:  for IC/Head (All version 4xx nozzles) 6-Nozzle Revolver Head -Max height: 8.5 mm -Max weight: 5g -Stroke of Z-axi

Tekmart International Inc.

Universal Instruments Universal AdVantis AC-30L SMT Placement

Universal Instruments Universal AdVantis AC-30L SMT Placement

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

30 intelligent spindle assemblies      -> All vision processing is performed “on the fly” to maximize throughput.      -> Continuous updates of X, Y, and Z-height pickup and placement locations ● On-The-Head Cameras      -> narrow field of view c

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